By Bob Balgemann

The resurfacing of Harlem Road from Alpine Road west to North Second Street is on target to be done this summer. That project has wound its way through the process and received final approval from the village board at its May 16 meeting.

Along the way Resolution 27-R-22 appeared before the advisory public improvement and safety committee (PISC) where it was recommended for approval. During his presentation to that committee, also on May 16, Village Engineer Chris Dopkins pointed out how the village, along with many others, has encountered continuous increases in the cost of projects.

Originally, the village engineering estimate of the base construction cost was $3.839 million. Two bids were received with the lowest quote coming from Rock Road Companies Inc. for $4.164 million. That’s $325,129, or 8.5 percent, more than the estimate.

Engineer Dopkins offered this explanation as to what happened:

“In reviewing bid results, the cost overruns are contained in the pavement surface removal costs, asphalt paving and pavement interlayer. All three of these items are heavily dependent upon petroleum products, which have seen an increase – especially over the past two months. So the cost increase, while unwelcome, is understandable.

“It is important to note that there are a few opportunities for cost savings, as there are a number of pay items that may not be fully used during construction.”

He listed those items as utility manhole adjustments, potential savings of $25,000; median surface removal/replacement, $19,000; variable depth repair, $80,000; and temporary marking tape, $8,400, totaling about $130,000. But he cautioned, “We would not recommend counting on any cost savings at this point. But we do want to let you know what the opportunity for savings exists.”

New fire station

Dopkins continued that there are two partners with the village in this road project, with each responsible for its own share of the project cost. Intergovernmental agreements, he said, were being drafted and should be available soon.

The first partner is the city of Loves Park, whose portion of the project cost is about $443,000.

The second partner is the North Park Fire Protection District, which is planning to build a new fire station on Harlem Road.

He said the district’s share of the project includes new water and sewer services, as well as removal and replacement of curb and gutter, necessary to create a wider driveway with a total investment of $125,000.

That, he said, leaves the village being responsible for the balance of the project expense, which is approximately $3.6 million.

Dopkins was quick to point out, “The good news is that projects over the past few years have been constructed under budget, and as a result the (village) road fund is very healthy and able to fully fund the Harlem Road improvements.”

Subject to remaining approvals, which did come, he said construction was expected to begin the first week in June and wrap up the beginning of October.

Hennig Inc.

The other item considered by PISC was a driveway variance at 8181 Burden Road, location of Hennig, Inc.

Carrie Houston, the village’s planning and zoning manager, explained that Hennig’s success has caused the company to need more space to store the generators it manufactures, while they are waiting to be delivered to customers.

The company was proposing a new outdoor storage yard, between Burden Road and Forest Hills Road, on a currently vacant industrial lot. “Wider driveways are needed in order to get longer semi-trailers in and out of the property, to transport the large generators that Hennig manufactures,” said. “The desired driveway widths cannot be allowed without approval of a driveway variance.”

Village ordinance states the width of an entrance or exit drive may not exceed 30 feet at the property line. The Hennig request was for driveways in and out of the property, one on Burden Road and one on Forest Hills Road, each would be 67 feet wide at the property line, she said.

As further explanation for the request, she added, “This increased width is necessary to accommodate turn radiuses that are designed to match the sweep of the longer semi-trainers, needed to transport the large generators.”

Village staff recommended approval of the variance, under Resolution 26-R-22, which received a positive recommendation from PISC. Village board consideration was expected at the June 6 meeting.

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