Harlem-Roscoe Fire joined in the fun, and participated in National Night Out, located at Harlem High School and Main Street in Roscoe.

National Night Out events began in 1984 as a way for neighbors to get to know each other, and for the public to familiarize themselves with law enforcement. Many have block parties with activities, games, items to give away, food and other fun options. This was the case as the Village of Machesney Park, the City of Loves Park and the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department teamed up on Tuesday evening, Aug. 6 in a night full of fun.

Large crowds covering all ages were welcomed to the grounds of Harlem High School.

Young at Heart Royalty, Princess and Queens were on hand to take part. These lovely young ladies visit nursing homes, and volunteer in different ways on a regular basis including working at a guinea pig rescue. They make appearances at various events.

Mascots from Screw City Sock Monkey and a Chick-Fil-A mascot (from a herd of Holstein cows) greeted the public, and even danced to the beat of tunes from different genres.

Many gave the gift of life in the Rock River Blood Center bus.

In a grassy area Hula Hoops were the center of attention as many took them for a whirl on their hips.

At a Blue 815 table the Jaimie Cox Memorial Scholarship former Officer Jaimie Cox’s cousin Andrea greeted everyone with a warm and loving smile. Cox serves as the Chair of Blue 815. This organization is set up to build awareness, bridge citizens and law enforcement, empower support and to honor the fallen.

Cox handed out special plastic cups that turn the color blue after liquid is added to them. They also had temporary tattoos and stickers to be picked up.

Officer Jaimie Cox died in the line of duty on Nov. 5, 2017.

Jaimie Cox was a Rockford Police officer who was a graduate of Hononegah Community High School who also served in the United States National Guard and was part of a National Army Guard contingent deployed from 2008-09 to Nangarhar province in Afghanistan. He received honors including the Army Commendation Medal, the Army Achievement Medal, the Combat Infantryman Badge and he was awarded the Illinois National Guard Abraham Lincoln Medal of Freedom Ribbon.

HCHS are chosen as the recipient of the Jamie Cox Scholarship. In 2024 three female students were awarded.

Chances to win prizes from Rock Valley Credit Union happened with the spin of a wheel.

Rows of groups, businesses or organizations included 815 Paws, Furst Staffing, and B.S.A. Troop 411. Representatives from Rotary Youth Exchange, AAIM- Alliance Against Intoxicated Motors, and Mercy Health visited with the public.

Free hot dogs, chips, beverages and cookies were served by volunteers from the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department, partnering with other community volunteers.

Extra fun came in the form of K-9 demonstrations.

Canines are trained in narcotics detection, tracking, finding cell phones, searches of buildings, articles and apprehension work.

The first demonstration featured Zoro and his handler Deputy Devore who performed a narcotics search and apprehension using a bite sleeve, with the “Sniff and Bite” method. A second demonstration was given by Canine Kole and his handler, Officer Matt Anderson using boxes to detect the scent of narcotics. Kole’s owner gave details on the training process. They were joined by Officer Luke Limberg.

Excitement mounted as a REACT helicopter made a safe landing on the grounds of Harlem High School. As the helicopter was preparing to land it had to reroute due to an emergency.

Family, friends and community had the opportunity to make connections with law enforcement, fire departments, and first responders that keep everyone safe, as well as community members. Roscoe and South Beloit also hosted events.

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