By Bob Balgemann

The arduous process of updating the advisory road map to the future of the village is now fully under way.

Planning and Zoning Manager Carrie Houston has spent untold hours pouring over the many chapters in the 2010 comprehensive plan, and during the April 25 planning and zoning commission (P&Z) meeting, she told her partners in this important task, the seven commissioners, what she found.

There were goals and objectives, with the goals being broad, advisory statements and objectives containing specific implementation activities, needed to achieve those goals.

When looking at those goals and objectives, she said she was pleased that so many had been achieved since the last update.

Fast forward 12 years to April 25, 2022, with her presenting commissioners a draft of the proposed residential goals and objectives section that would go into the revised plan.

In updating them, she said some of them had been removed entirely; some were tweaked to be more relevant; and some new ones were added.

She stressed this point: “All of these draft goals and objectives are based on goals that have already been identified by either staff, or at the (village) board or committee level, or they are just standard things we can strive for.”

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