
By Bob Balgemann


It’s been about 16 years since Logan Avenue was resurfaced. Given that, City Public Works Director Brent Anderson said that “the surface is reaching the end of its useful life.”

City aldermen, sitting as the committee of the whole, weighed in on the upcoming project during their Monday, June 13 meeting.

One of the options being explored is whether Logan needs to continue as a four-lane street. Anderson checked with the traffic experts at the Rockford Metropolitan Agency on Planning (RMAP) and determined a three-lane road would handle today’s traffic.

So, that option will be studied while he added that “this would be a good time to look at putting electric service underground.”

In addition, the city will have to be in compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements at all of the Logan intersections with side streets.

“So, that will mean some curb and gutter work,” Anderson said.

Also, a four-inch water main in that area needs to be replaced, he said.

Alderman George Crawford wondered about residents maintaining the green area along Logan.

Anderson said city staff would discuss that with property owners, should that option be approved. Right now, they’re looking at an eight-foot terrace, a change from the current open areas of one-to-four-to-six feet.

“We will involve property owners,” Anderson said. “We will put the information on our website.”

Then, he reminded aldermen that “this is just a preliminary concept.”

Alderman Ron Brooks, a former state trooper, called the intersection of Logan and Main Street “very unsafe” and suggested squaring it off.

“We could talk about that,” Anderson said.

In a follow-up interview on Tuesday, June 14, Brooks offered this hypothetical: a motorist on Church Street pulls out on to Main, after not seeing any oncoming traffic. Then, all of a sudden, there’s a vehicle coming around the corner from Logan at 30 mph. He said it only takes 1.5 seconds to get from the intersection of Logan and Main to Church and Main.

“I know arrests (for failure to yield the right of way) have been made over there, to no fault of those coming off Church,” he said.

Alderman Mark Sanderson said Logan right now is a nice, wide street. Not knowing what the future will hold, he said the city might narrow the road, and then have to tear it up and widen it to where it is today.

He referred to Logan Avenue as “one of the gateways to the city,” and encouraged officials to “think about this a little bit.”

Another question came from Alderman Dan Snow, who asked about the possibility of parallel parking in that area.

Anderson referred to that as “a slim possibility.”

Plus, Alderman Daniel Arevalo asked about sidewalks. Anderson wasn’t sure, saying, “I don’t know how that dovetails into our bicycle plan.”

Anderson assured that after discussing the project with RMAP officials, committee members would be getting more information on such matters as cost, traffic volume, and traffic movement.




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