Mayor Mike volunteers to help vaccination efforts
By Anne Eickstadt
As vaccinations for COVID-19 began, the Boone County Health Deptartment was receiving only 200 to 600 doses each week. After much conferring, and while obeying the state’s directives as to priorities, each and every dose available was injected into somebody’s arm. When the amount of vaccine available to Boone County rose to 1,500 doses each week, it was distributed to more partners and sites for distribution.
Doctors, nurses, pharmacists and student nurses began injecting many more arms as volunteers directed the flow of people as efficiently as possible. The Keen Age Center was one of the sites that opened their doors to the vaccine distribution and on Tuesday, March 9, Mayor Mike Chamberlain was one of the volunteers who came out to assist in the work.
“I’m happy to help out,” he said. “We have a stout group of volunteers who are assisting here, in Poplar Grove, and around the county. The real challenge is to actually get the vaccine, but we have a great group of volunteers to get it distributed.
“The process gets batter and more efficient each time we do this. Our objective is to get vaccine to everyone who wants it. I am happy to have a morning that I can devote to this. I am happy to volunteer and help the Health Department and the community.”