Members of eleV815 get to know local businesses with tour of Balsley Printing, Rockton Inn

EleV815 is a new business networkingl organization recently formed by members and owners of Stateline businesses. The group are known as Elevators. Their goal is to offer area individuals and businesses the opportunity to strengthen their businesses and learn from each other by sharing information through social interaction. The group will be touring area business each month. This month they visited Balsley Printing (pictured) and Rockton Inn Pub & Grub.
By Jean Seegers
A recently formed group of business owners in Roscoe, South Beloit, Rockton and Beloit have put their heads together to create a unique networking circle of business colleagues and friends with a goal of providing informational opportunities, learning about and promoting businesses in the area, and enjoying each other’s company. There are no membership fees and no pressure to join.
It’s called eleV815, a movement promoting synergy between small business owners who want to meet and learn about other businesses in the Stateline area, build friendships, and provide informational opportunities. Members are called Elevators.
eleV815 was founded by local professionals: Keith Wickland, Financial Advisor – Cornerstone Wealth Management- Roscoe; Toni Brown, Owner and Executive Director – Stepping Stones Child’s Center – Roscoe, and Lori Taylor, Manager at RokTek Workplace- Rockton. Taylor is also the Roscoe Village Clerk.
“Our mission is to focus on local businesses, Wickland said. “We want to work together, raise their potential and help each other grow.” Brown said.
About 20 members kicked off the initiative on June 25, with a tour of Balsley Printing, 119 E. Main St. in Rockton. Billy and Sam Balsley are co-owners and managers. The company prints full-color brochures, post cards, manuals, newsletter and business forms. They also offer graphic design and mailing service. The business was founded over 100 years ago by Guy Balsley. It is one of the oldest businesses in the area. Four generations of Balsleys have run the company. Balsley Printing currently has 15 employees.
“We do a lot of promotional items,” Billy said. “Our clients tend to be like family. They keep in touch.” The Balsley Printing motto is: “Our success is based on your success.”
After the tour, the group crossed Main St. for a tour of the Rockton Inn Pub & Grub and Barbeque Bar. The restaurant is another landmark in downtown Rockton. The building was erected in 1880.
Manager Jen McWilliams said the restaurant is open every day of the week. Most of the food is made in-house using fresh ingredients. The Pub & Grub specializes in smoked pork, ham and beef brisket. EleV815 members had the pleasure of sampling the variety of meats.
One of the future eleV815 goals is to start a scholarship fund for area high school seniors. Business owners will have the opportunity to raise funds for scholarships presented in the name of their business or to work with another company to co-sponsor.
Taylor said eleV815 will offer tours of area businesses every month. Next month, the group will be touring and learning about The Mix, a coffee, ice cream and shaved ice restaurant at 151 Hawick St. in Rockton.
For more information regarding eleV815, sponsoring a tour of your business, or are interested in joining the group, contact Lori Taylor @ 815-222-0008, or elev815@gmail, com.