Memorial Day observances honor our fallen
By Doug Schroder
OGLE COUNTY – Beautiful sunny weather with a high in the 80’s led to many coming out to celebrate the 2016 Memorial Day activities.
Members of the Stillman Valley High School FFA club and Stillman Valley Legion assisted in the ceremonies at Kishwaukee Cemetery for their 146th Memorial Day remembrance.
After the welcome and invocation, FFA members Paige Adams and Michelle Johnson presented the flags, and after that FFA member Camryn Lauer led the audience in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Patriotic songs were sung by the Kishwaukee Church choir, intermixed with the Flanders Fields recitation and Gettysburg address being recited.
There was also a Roll Call of the Dead given, naming all 82 Veterans interred at the cemetery. The list goes back to the Revolutionary War!
Winnebago County Board chairman candidate Frank Haney gave a Memorial Day address, stressing how we as Americans should remain together as one, not letting all of the divisiveness of politics tear us apart.
After that event I went over to Byron and caught up with the activities there as the parade was coming through downtown.
Byron’s activities started at the United Church of Byron honoring those from Byron who had died in service. The parade then happened, and then a closing ceremony took place at the cemetery.
Each of the ceremonies, the one at Kishwaukee Cemetery and the one in Byron featured a 21-gun salute by each town’s respective Legions and the playing of Taps.
It is important to remember those who gave their lives for the freedom we enjoy today.

(Doug Schroder photo) Veteran Chet Kobel introduces United Church of Byron Minister Dave Bateman during the closing ceremonies in Byron on Monday, May 30.

(Doug Schroder photo) Veteran Erling Reinertsen plays Taps at the closing of the Memorial Day ceremonies at Kishwaukee Cemetery on Monday, May 30.
I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day and remembered those who died in service to our country. I thanked several Veterans that day.