More improvements planned for N. Second Street in Machesney Park

Local officials participated in a ribbon-cutting ceremony in celebration of remodeling at Village Hall.
Machesney Park village trustees approved a number of items at the Oct. 21 board meeting:
*A resolution awarding a construction contract went to Norwest Construction and Blacktop of South Beloit for the N. Second St. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Ramp Improvements was approved.
*The final plat for Wyndridge subdivision, Plat No. 11 was passed.
*A resolution to appoint an IMRF (Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund) authorized agent was approved (village’s retirement fund).
*A resolution for the Village of Machesney Park’s “2024 Holiday TV and Digital Marketing Campaign” was okayed.
*An ordinance for a variance, first reading, from “Accessory Building Size Regulations” for 825 Drexel Blvd. passed.
*An ordinance, first reading, for a special use permit for “a public utility” in a single-family residential district at 8702 Ruby Lane passed.
*In conjunction, an ordinance, first reading, for a variance from Building Height Regulations at the same address was also approved.
*An ordinance for a variance, first reading, from “Freestanding Sign Height and Area Regulations,” at 7005 N. Perryville Road passed, along with another ordinance at that location for a variance in total sign area.
Family activities
Under the mayor’s report at the Oct. 21 trustee meeting, Johnson reminded the public about the ‘Touch-A-Truck’ event on Oct. 27 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Town Centre…with a trunk and treat event planned for the children. “Fire trucks, police cars, construction trucks, school buses, emergency vehicles and much much more will be on display.
“During this event have the kids participate in the trunk or treat event. Have them dress up in their favorite Halloween costume and enjoy this family friendly free event! There will also be K-9 demonstrations and food trucks!
“I would like to remind everyone about the open house event for the Village of Machesney Park on Wednesday Oct. 23 from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
An open house was held at the recently renovated village hall showcasing the remodeled/addition to the police station along with the remodeled Village Hall.
Machesney Park Mayor Steve Johnson has offered more information on the bid awarded to Norwest Construction for $119,637.80, for construction of ADA Ramps improvements on N. Second St. Village staff and the mayor have worked closely with IDOT to coordinate the resurfacing on Illinois 251.
Johnson said, “In order to initiate and expedite this project, the village has agreed to reconstruct the ADA pedestrian crossing ramps along the corridor. Seven general contractors submitted a proposal for the project. Norwest Construction was the lowest responsive responsible bidder and was awarded the contract.”