Mud volleyball raises funds for Epilepsy Foundation

Saturday, Aug. 3, was a beautiful day to splash around in the mud pits at the annual Epilepsy Foundation Mud Volleyball fundraiser at Riverside Park in Roscoe. At the end of the day, “Corny Kids” won the 2019 trophy.
By Jean Seegers
The mud started flying early at Riverside Park in Roscoe on Saturday morning, Aug 3. Team members were on the courts at 7:30 a.m., dressed for a day of wet and dirty volleyball.
The annual Epilepsy Foundation of North/Central Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska Mud Volleyball fundraiser began 37 years ago. The first year, thirty- two teams played. On Saturday, 170 teams, on 24 courts (mud pits) participated in the tournament.
While waiting for their turn on the courts, team members passed the time playing Corn Hole, grabbing a bite to eat and quenching their thirst.
Players headed for the hoses following their game where they were able to wash off most of the mud. Duct tape and eye wash were among the “must haves” for most participants.
Ben Slack, Executive Director of the Epilepsy Foundation was pleased with the turn-out. “All proceeds benefit the foundation, providing services, education and advocacy for those with epilepsy and their families,” Slack said.
The “Corny Kids” team was the tournament winner. They were presented with the 2019 Mud Volleyball trophy.