By Hannah Beran

Guest Contributor

I enjoy photography. It is a good excuse to get outside every once in a while. This year I learned about different types of cameras and recently learned about instant cameras.

I had never seen one until I saw my friend use one at a party. I thought it was so neat so I asked for one for my birthday. I got one and I’ve loved it ever since. I take pictures with it all the time, even if they don’t always turn out so good. I also try to take pictures of my friends and family with my phone camera as well.

I love photography because every once in a while you can capture a really good picture. I got a picture of my brother mid-sneeze. I thought it was so cool. I’ve also taken some really good pictures of sunsets. I also like photography because you can create lasting memories.

My friends and I love to take pictures together. We have a funky sense of style. We take pictures with my Polaroid camera and I hang them up on my wall right above my bed. I do this because I think that I sleep better when my friends are around.

Photography will help me in almost anything I do. Whether it’s for crime scene investigation or professional photography, the things I have learned in 4-H and in my photography project will have a role in my everyday life.

I cannot wait until next year to create more lasting memories with family and friends. I hope I will have as much fun next year as I did this year.

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