By Marianne Mueller


ROSCOE – Shirley Hood, formerly of Machesney Park was a wife, mother of six, and a grandmother. Hood lost her battle with breast cancer at the age of 57. In loving memory and in her honor her family decided to give back to others who receive the diagnosis of breast cancer.

Together her three daughters, grandchildren and Great Grandchildren developed the Shirley Hood Memorial Breast Cancer Relief Foundation. Good works of the foundation has resulted in donations being given to Beloit Memorial Hospital.

This has opened doors to women who cannot afford a mammogram the ability to get the test done.

Everyone who is diagnosed with breast cancer is given a special book full of useful information assembled by Shirley Hood’s daughters. Shirley’s family has participated in the ‘Motoring for Mammies’ event in Wisconsin.

In Shirley’s memory family and friends hosted a second annual “Nerd Night – Revenge of the Nerds” on Saturday evening, Oct. 10 at the Roscoe VFW. Supporters and family members wore detailed nerd garb including accessories.

The evening started with a casual dinner of barbeques, chips, potato salad, baked beans and beverages. Extra fun came in the forms of a silent auction, door prizes and DJ, Dudley Dawson who played tunes, many containing nerd themed lyrics, and handed out special prize during a special contest where the person who identified the correct movie won a prize.

Adding even more fun into the mix last year’s King Nick Pruitt and Queen Sheila Bates retired their crowns and new royalty took their place. Matt Schindler and Jill Sweeny received honors as the top nerds of 2015.

All donations received as well as proceeds from the ‘Nerd Night’ fundraiser are kept in the community and are distributed locally.

Shirley Hood’s memory lives on as others facing Breast Cancer are lent a helping hand, and an extra measure of comfort through the Shirley Hood Memorial Breast Cancer Foundation. More details and information about the foundation can be found on facebook, or emails may be sent to

An extra $1,500 from this years was added to previous money raised to help further  the mission of the Shirley Hood Memorial. “Nerd Night – Revenge of the Nerds” assures the opportunity to have a fighting chance for another person facing what Shirley Hood faced.





Marianne Mueller photo

Matt and Deb Schinlder showed off the best of nerdy fashions.

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