By Chris Johnson
There isn’t any time left to make any kinds of moves within the NIC-10. There are many teams which started out with aspirations of achieving a season to remember. Winning the NIC-10 is one of the first goals set by each team.
This year it’s Rockford Boylan that has been coming through. They are undefeated in the NIC-10 and have a three-game lead over Hononegah in the loss column. Boylan beat Hononegah twice this year, but a recent loss to Belvidere hurt the Indians’ chances and hopes of any title this season, as statistics seem to indicate.
Hononegah fell to Belvidere 55-37 as they found it difficult to get into rhythm. The Bucs haven’t had a stand-out season, but the win over Hononegah helps.
The Indians were flat in the first. There was no offense, there was no push. Belvidere’s defense was suffocating and the turnovers added up for the Indians. After the first period of play Hononegah was

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