By Chris Johnson


Meeting organization began for students at North Boone High School as they prepare to work into the final semester of this school year. Plans now are being put in place for selecting the classes each student needs next year. Notices were issued to announce the ongoing project.

Counselors have already begun helping students decide where they are and where they want to be. Now an enhanced effort is underway to assure each student gets the chance to schedule an appointment and in return maintain those appointment times.

The school board faces its own deadlines as well.

As many other school district’s across Illinois have, trustees assured the request for funds was made as the property tax levy filing deadline date came and went. Now that the funding request is in place, a heightened focus can turn to what will be needed for next year as budgets are balanced.

Technological improvements have occurred throughout northern Illinois’ schools.

Even as market indicators showed declines in perceived worth and lower tax revenue as a result. Money still had to be spent to assure the students had the right tools in place. In the upcoming school year, more technological enhancements seem to be waiting for deployment.

The school board also will have to assure funding is allocated for operations and maintenance expenses as well as transportation and special education requirements. Still more work will have to be done this school year as the plans of next year stay surfaced. All budgets are to be in place, by design, as the 2017-2018 school year requires.

Funding delays from the state of Illinois are always possible. Trustees with District 200 have survived before in varying capacity. Revenue was delayed for the purpose of providing specific mandated categoricals, such as transportation and special education. Adjustments may have to be made again, as they were before.

The Board of Education meets monthly, with various committee meetings occurring each month prior to the trustee get together on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The next meeting of District 200 Trustees and the North Boone Board of Education will be on Tuesday, Jan. 24.

The tax-paying residents within District 200’s oversight are allowed the right to be heard on issues pertaining to education and budgets, as listed on the agenda, on the public hearing portions of regularly scheduled or special meeting timelines. Dates and times for additional meetings within North Boone Community School District are available at the District 200 website:

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