Northern Illinois Police remembered in special service

Bill and Barb Weston and Debbie and Greg Wheeler are family of former Rockton Police Chief Arthur Weston who lost his life in the line of duty.
Family, friends and loved ones came together on Wednesday evening, May 17 at Riverside Community Church in Machesney Park. The purpose of this meaningful service was to remember members of law enforcement who lost their lives in the line of duty.
The Northern Illinois The Multi-Jurisdictional Honor Guard gave the Presentation of Colors. Chills were created with the playing of Amazing Grace by Bagpipers Patrick Powers and Clan McAlpine.
All stood to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chaplain Norma Borrero of Life Church led all in an invocation. Pastor Bobby Sheets followed with a warm welcome to everyone in attendance. “We thank and remember what each has done for us,” Pastor Sheets said.
Detective Lisa Hodges of the Rockford Park District Police harmonized perfectly with JoAnn Bross, Everett Bross and Andrea Arteaga on the song, “God Really Loves Us,”written by Crowder.
Officer Katy Statler of the Rockford Police Department recited the words to the poem “Beyond the Sunset.”
Ryan Jensen, Director of Music at Riverside Community Church stirred emotions as he played the piano while singing. “I can Only Imagine.”
Rockford Police Chief Carla Redd read a roll call of names of officers who were killed in the line of duty and the date of their end of watch. From the Rockford Police Department: Lorenzo Gillogy – Oct. 12, 1917. Frank Cichella – Feb. 25, 1927. Arthur H. Bassett – Sept. 2, 1927. Charles J. Williams- June 1, 1972. Randell A. Blank – Dec. 31, 1980. Kevin D. Rice – Aug. 3, 2001 and Jaimie Cox – Nov. 5, 2017.
Rockton Police Department: Arthur L. Weston- Oct. 27, 1977.
Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department – John Taylor – Nov. 11, 1856. Samuel Rotello, Sept. 11, 1936. John Germano – April 17, 1938. Howard Smith – Sept. 16, 1946. William Goldy – April 15, 1965 and Micheal E. Mayborne – March 15, 1974.
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy – Raul Adauto – April 5, 1986. Illinois State Police – Brooke Jones Story -March 28, 2019.
Candles were lit in memory of loved ones by either family members or an officer. The lighting was followed by placing a rose in a wreath. Anyone who has lost a relative in the Military had the option of lighting a candle in honor of that person.
Arthur Weston who died after a struggle with a suspect that led to his fatal heart attack. Detective Kevin Rice was shot and killed while on duty. Jaimie Cox lost his life during a traffic stop. Trooper Brooke Jones-Story was struck and killed by a tractor-trailer while she was conducting a traffic stop.
Police were lifted in an “Officer’s Prayer” spoken by Deacon Steven Johnson of St. James Catholic Church. Deacon Johnson asked that God put his hand on loved ones, watch over our officers, protect them and help them keep our streets safe.
Bagpipers Patrick Powers and Clan McApline played Amazing Grace.
Winnebago County Sheriff Gary Caruana spoke the words to, “In the Line of Duty.”
Ryan Jensen performed “Tell You Heart To Beat Again.”
Lisa Ditzler relayed a powerful message in, “If You Could See What I See.”
Deputy Coroner James Kirby captured everyone’s attention as he had sung, “Tell My Father,” written by Frank Wild horn.
Chaplain Kenneth Hendley of New Life Free Will Baptist church made closing remarks followed by the benediction.
Bagpiper Lucas Greenly played the bagpipes as The Honor Guard had a recession of the colors.
Refreshments and snacks were served after the service. This was one of a variety of different events that commemorated National Police Memorial Week.
Law enforcement, and families gathered to remember loved ones at a special breakfast on May 19. Tons of action was found at Cherryvale Mall on Saturday, May 20 with Birds of Prey, K-9 Demos, and a Bomb Robot Demo. On Sunday, May 21 face painting, and a chance to “Meet the Chiefs” offered a unique way for law enforcement to connect with the communities they serve.
Kirkland Police came out to the mall to demonstrate how “Fatal Vision” goggles work.
Every day brave law enforcement officers put their lives on the line to keep us all safe. Those who were killed in the line of duty will never be forgotten as each has made the ultimate sacrifice.