Ogle County 4-H clubs name award winners

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Renee Gehrke of the By-Y-Badgers 4-H Club won the 4-H Foundation award at this year’s virtual Achievement Day. This award is given to an outstanding 4-Her who has shown leadership, a willingness to help with activities, and has served as a positive example to younger members. The award is sponsored by the Ogle County 4-H Foundation.
Ogle County’s top 4-H members and clubs were honored for outstanding achievement at a special drive thru program held Sunday, Nov. 15 at the Ogle County Extension office. Despite the unusual circumstances, we were excited to give our 4-H members the opportunity to pick up their well-deserved awards and pose for a picture.
Top county honors went to 4-H teens Alexandria Cassens of Byron and Bode Martin of Oregon. Cassens is from By-Y-Badgers 4-H Club and Martin is from Carefree 4-H Club. Both received the Co-op Watch Award sponsored by Ogle County Farm Bureau and its affiliates. Watches are awarded each year to the two 4-H’ers with the most impressive records of long-term leadership and service at the club level and beyond.
Renee Gehrke from Byron and in By-Y-Badgers 4-H club, received a $50 cash award sponsored by the Ogle County 4-H Foundation. The Foundation Award is presented annually to a single 4-H’er who has shown leadership skills, a willingness to help with 4-H activities, and has served as a positive example to younger members.
Four youth were challenged to greater leadership and service as recipients of the “I Dare You” Leadership Award. New owners of William Danforth’s inspiring book, “I Dare You,” these youth were selected based on their previous leadership, citizenship, and project work. This years’ winners are: Nicholas Cassens, By-Y-Badgers; Bruce Gehrke, By-Y-Badgers; Braden Rogers, Ogle Jolly, and Kathryn Snow, Blackhawk Crossing.
Lillian Kennedy, Hub Hickory Nuts 4-H Club, received the Emerald Experience Award in Project Learning. This state award recognizes youth who have expanded their 4-H careers beyond the county level. The award is presented at two levels and in one of the following dimensions: Community Service, Leadership, or Project Learning. Diamond Level recognizes youth who completed six or more experiences in one of the three dimensions, with at least four of those experiences beyond the county level. Emerald level recognizes youth who completed eight or more experiences in one of the three dimensions, with at least four of those experiences beyond the county level and at least two at the state, national, or international level.
Julia Heller, Grand Detour Greens 4-H Club received the Illinois State 4-H Key Award. This award is a statewide recognition program, sponsored for older 4-H members. The purpose of the award is to reward members exhibiting outstanding leadership, community service, and mentoring during their 4-H involvement
Lydia Sherburne, Leaf River Soaring Eagles 4-H Club, received Best in Show for her Food Science Project from the Chicagoland Food Science Foundation. This award provides a $50 award for outstanding achievements in the Food Science Project.
Other special award winners are:
Outstanding Club President
Aubrey Craig, Mighty Clovers
Outstanding Club Secretaries
Alexandria Cassens, By-Y-Badgers
Maddie Harland, Leaf River Busy Beavers
Outstanding Club Treasurers
Isaac Charbonneau, Leaf River Busy Beavers
Wyatt Swanson, By-Y-Badgers
Outstanding Club Reporter
Braden Rogers, Ogle Jolly
Cassidy Vincent, Hub Hickory Nuts
Outstanding Club Historians
Lauren Carlson, By-Y-Badgers
Aubrey Janoski, Ogle Jolly
Ogle County 4-H Drill Team Traveling Horse Award
Cassidy Vincent, Hub Hickory Nuts
5th Place Regional Senior Hippology Contest
Natalie Johnson, Leaf River Soaring Eagles
Electricity Achievement Award
Preston Taylor, Hub Hickory Nuts
Illinois Holstein-Friesian Association Award
Lacie Williams, Leaf River Soaring Eagles
A number of awards were distributed to community clubs throughout the county in recognition of outstanding community service, educational programming, and promotional efforts. Additionally, one club’s leader was recognized for their outstanding efforts to work together to effectively meet the needs of and coordinate the work of their club. Congratulations go to all of the following club winners:
Ogle County 4-H Club-of-the-Year
1st Place – Leaf River Soaring Eagles 4-H Club
2nd Place – By-Y-Badgers 4-H Club
3rd Place – Carefree 4-H Club
Top Leader Team Award
Summerhill Huskies 4-H Club: Catherine Byers and Vickie Smith
Alumni Award
Michael Ring, Oregon
4-H Hall of Fame Recipient
Cheryl Price, Mount Morris
4-H is an informal youth education program of University of Illinois Extension. For more information or to get involved, call 815-732-2191 or visit us online at extension.illinois.edu/bdo. This is the best time of year to join!