Ogle County Master Gardeners on the Move

Ogle County Master Gardeners visited kids at the Children’s Center in Oregon.
Ogle County Master Gardeners on the Move
The Ogle County Master Gardeners have been “Helping Others Learn to Grow” through-out the county! After our annual garden workshop, Ready, Set, Grow we have shared knowledge with the Polo Garden Club, offered a Succulent workshop in Rochelle, set-up a Seed Library at the Leaf River Library, visited the Children’s Center AM & PM classes in Oregon and taught information on Butterfly’s.
In Byron, the MG’s shared their knowledge of Worms with the Boy Scouts. In addition, the MG’s have spent time with the residents of Pinecrest, Oregon Living and Rehab and the Village of Progress. Currently, six Master Gardener trainees are learning a wealth of knowledge on Thursday’s and will be ready to start working towards their volunteer goals starting in May.
The Master Gardeners have been busy with maintaining some of the Ogle County Fairground gardens, they are there on Tuesday mornings, please feel open to joining them they love to share their knowledge.
The Hotline Help desk is open to the public, if you have a garden, insects, soil, or tree question feel welcome to stop in Monday, Wednesday, Friday’s 9 a.m. to Noon, 421 W. Pines Road Oregon, or call 815-732-2191.
Up-coming opportunities, Mt. Morris Library – Container Gardening on Monday, May 13, call the Mt. Morris Library to get registered. If you are looking for a Plant for your garden, the MG’s will be at the Farmers Market on the Ogle County courthouse lawn to sell their Plants, Saturday, June 8.
If you are interested in the possibility of having the Ogle County Master Gardeners speak to your group, reach out to Elizabeth Sosa, University of Illinois Extension, Program Coordinator, [email protected].