Ogle Jolly 4-H Club updates
By Kaitlyn Adams

The 2024 Ogle Jolly 4-H Club officers. From left: Ayden Alderks, treasurer; Aubrey Janoski, president; Kennedy Collins, recreation; Alyse Rogers, vice president; Matthew Roos, historian; Owen Collins, recreation; Kaitlyn Adams, reporter; and Bristol Clark, secretary.
The Ogle Jolly 4-H Club met on Nov. 18 for their monthly meeting.
The Cloverbud children, ages 5-7, made pumpkin pie in a bag.
The 4-H members reviewed old business, including a Veterans Day visit to Double O Saloon in Monroe Center to thank veterans and give them cards.
Members participated in the Ogle Jolly garbage bag fundraiser, and garbage bags were distributed to members at the meeting.
Ogle County 4-H Achievement Day was Nov. 17. Members participated by receiving awards and passing on the “Club of the Year” award. On Achievement Day, Ogle Jolly 4-H Club was awarded a 4-H Honor Club Award and was recognized for decorating a window to promote 4-H week.
The club will be participating in Cardinal Christmas in Stillman Valley by decorating a Christmas tree and caroling on Sunday, Dec. 1.
We will also be caroling at Generations at Neighbors nursing home in Byron on Thursday, Dec. 12.
Our next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 16, which will include a club awards ceremony and a pizza party. Each family is encouraged to bring a dessert.