The Oregon Rotary Club was able to purchase many supplies, including gardening supplies.

The Oregon Rotary Club helped the Oregon School District provide student resources along side the OHS Transition Program.

The OHS Transition Program will directly assist many Oregon High School students develop knowledge and skills to help them transition to either the workforce or college preparation.

The Rotary club paid for training supplies through the receipt of a Rotary District Grant.  The grant helped support one of Rotary’s primary missions of supporting basic education and literacy.

The grant supplies will continue to support the OHS Transition Program and On-the-Job Training Program for years to come.

The Rotary Club was able to purchase many supplies, including work uniforms, gardening supplies and materials, a canopy tent, as well a washer, dryer and dishwasher.  The supplies will help many student learn life skills and prepare them for life after high school.

For more information on the Oregon Rotary Club please contact us using the following email address:  [email protected].

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