By Lydia Sherburne

Club Reporter

On Sept. 29, the Outdoor Adventure Club of Ogle County went to visit Russell Woods Forest Preserve in Genoa. Peggy Doty was the speaker and educator. She showed us many animal skins, which we tried to identify. We also looked at animal skulls, real stuffed animals, antlers, snake skins, wings, and feathers. Peggy Doty gave us a lot information that taught us so much. She let us pet a fox snake. She showed us how to tell a poisonous snake from a nonpoisonous snake by looking at their shed skin and their eyes if you really want to get that close. We saw how long a beaver tooth is and how far it goes back towards the neck. It was a great experience and we can’t wait to go again!

Outdoor Adventure Club is a part of the 4-H Shooting Sports. Some of the things the club teaches are animal identification, how to use a map and compass, outdoor survival basics, and hunting ethics. There are games and activities that make the learning very fun. It is so cool! For more information on this club, call the Ogle County Extension Office at (815) 732-2191.


Peggy Doty addresses members of the Outdoor Adventure 4-H Club.

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