Outgoing Rockton Village President, Trustees recognized for years of service

Rockton Village President Dale Adams recognized outgoing Rockton Village Trustee Scott Fridly with a gift in appreciation for his 22 years of service to the community. .
By Marianne Mueller
In back-to-back meetings on Tuesday evening, May 4 the Village of Rockton recognized years of service by outgoing Village President, Dale Adams who is retiring after 20 years plus two Trustees.
Trustees approved two different liquor licenses; one for Red Barn Golf Course, and another for a business called, “After the Vine.” Both were approved in a 6-0 vote.
The board voted to ratify a consensus to pay Village Treasurer Jaye Quimby up to $6,000 in services to reconcile Village of Rockton accounts. Quimby was also appointed as an Authorized Agent to Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund as Interim Village Treasurer. This motion passed in a 6-0 vote. Incoming Village President John Peterson lauded the job done by Qumiby. “She has done a great job. “
One parking spot replacement and drive entrance not to exceed $12,000 received approvals.
The Walter Graham American Legion Memorial Day parade was approved. The parade is at 9 a.m. followed by a special ceremony at the Rockton Township Cemetery. The parade lines up on River St. in Rockton at 8:30 a.m. The parade proceeds down Blackhawk to the bridge where a wreath throwing ceremony will be held. Then the parade moves down to Main St. and concludes at Rockton Township Cemetery where a meaningful ceremony honors all Veterans; with a roll call of fallen comrades.
Before the end of the first meeting Adams gave special recognition to outgoing Trustees Scott Fridly and Dave Winters. “Adams, Fridly and Winters, we have over 60 years of combined service together; and service from 20 years from each person,” Adams said.
“I don’t know how many of you remember 20 years ago Adams said. “Before the 2000 census we had less than 5,000 and when we went past that number we had to form a Police Commission. Where Settler’s Park is was basically a trash dump and the Wagon Wheel burned down. Beloit Corp had just filed bankruptcy, and at least 5,000 or -6,000 jobs were lost. Sonoco was still operating at a lower rate. You might not remember Adams, Fridly and Winters six months or a year from now from now, but without them Rockton would be in a much different place.”
Adams recognized Rockton Village Trustee Scott Fridly for his 22 years of dedicated service. “In 22 years I have worked with a lot of boards, a lot of different people. This board is one of the best I have ever worked with and I am proud of what we have done together,” Fridly said. “This new board will do as well or even better.”
Winters reminded everyone of the additions of the Rockton Athletic Fields, Walmart and Farm and Fleet during his tenure.
Incoming Village President John Peterson talked about how Dale always said he should have a parking spot. Peterson presented him with a specialized parking sign reading, “Reserved for Dale Adams.”
Adams joked that his newly specified spot is close to the bars but also close to the library and downtown Rockton.
Rockton Police Chief Steve Dickson was next in line to show appreciation. “You have been my boss since you have been here; we have seen a lot of water under the bridge,” Dickson said. “I know you have been having some trouble driving lately,” Dickson joked.
Rockton Fire Department Fire Chief Kirk Wilson said, “I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for this and as a whole in the village; everyone should be proud of what he has done, your contributions will not be forgotten.”
Chief Dickson presented Adams with a special badge and Chief Wilson gave a gift in appreciation.