Pec Memorial Day Parade enjoyed by all
By George Howe

Prarie Farms Dairy Company’s float featured aed larger-than-life cow.
On a picture perfect weather afternoon, Pecatonica’s Main Street was lined with American flags and loads of spectators on both sides of the street as theMemorial Day Parade stepped off.
For more than 100 years this second largest parade in Illinois (Chicago 1st) was filled with an assortment of participants including tractors, a couple of floats with bigger than life size cows.
A procession of jeeps, riders on horseback and horses pulling buggies and a Cinderella type carriage. There was a military fly-over, dogs dressed in patriotic attire. Motorcyclists and Maggie’s Truck Center displayed a unique orange colored old time tow truck.
If music is what you were after, the Pecatonica High School Band and Pom Pom Squad proudly marched down Main with the bass drum keeping time.
A four-piece brass band complete with a pianist belted out a few numbers as they drove by. A parade isn’t complete without the bagpipers and drummers performing traditional music as they were dressed in kilts and Glengarrys’.
The Shriners were buzzing around in what looked to be a cross between a rocket and a airplane. Most of the participants in the parade threw an assortment of candy and some beads to the delight of the young and old who scrambled for the goodies.
Village President Tom Heister was impressed with the festivities. “The crowd was unbelievable,” he said. “I received calls from residents expressing how nice everything was. Ted and Hilary Deppe and their volunteers are the one’s that make it a success. The whole village of Pecatonica can smile and be proud of this event.”