Brad Keyes Photo The Gazette
A construction crew stabilizes the roof over the audience seating in order to safely remove lighting equipment.

During the mid-afternoon hours of Wednesday, Feb. 24, the roof of the auditorium of Pec Playhouse Theatre collapsed. The center beam above the first row of the audience seating cracked under the weight of accumulated snow and ice.

The collapse brought much of the lighting and heating systems down into the audience seating area. Pec Playhouse board members have been working with their insurance company and structural engineers to gauge the extent of the damage.

During these inspections, it was discovered a second beam, above the back of the auditorium seating, had started to crack, while a third beam located in the second-story props area had also begun to bow from the weight of snow and ice.

Professional construction crews began work on Friday morning to remove and stabilize parts of the roof in order to safely remove costumes, lighting and sound equipment, seating, and stage curtains.

Once these items have been retrieved they will be assessed for damage and salvageable items will then be sent off to be cleaned and sanitized then stored until the theatre is back up and running.

Stage curtains will also be re-fireproofed before storing. While the exact value of the damages is still unknown, The Pec Playhouse Board of Directors expects to have a more definitive answer on the extent of the damages in mid-March.

Once that information is received, board members can determine next steps in rebuilding. The theatre has been overcome by the generosity of offers to help in the cleanup process, offers of assistance with fundraising efforts, and by those who have donated money.

If you would like to help in the cleanup efforts, please email [email protected].

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