Pecatonica H.S. Hosted a “Distracted Driver” Presentation at a Pre-Prom Assembly

Pecatonica High School students learned more about the dangers of distracted driving at a pre-Prom assembly.
Pec students hear distracted driving presentation
The Pecatonica High School (PHS) hosted a “Distracted Driver” Assembly Thursday, May 1, 2019. PHS was honored to have Robert Smith, Pecatonica Chief of Police, Bill Hintz, Winnebago County Coroner, Captain Carl Heintz, Illinois State Police District 16 Commander, and Steve VanVleck, Pecatonica Fire Chief in attendance.
The PHS commons was filled with 9-12 grade students and staff. To the left of the stage sat our top ranking local officials with a screen at center stage, and to the right of the stage, a coffin and nine student actors (the number of fatalities represented each day on Illinois roads and highways).
Captain Carl Heintz took the podium and quietly began to speak. He shared with the young audience that there are locations along the Illinois roads and highways that are painful reminders of tragic scenes that he has been called to.
The emotion was present in his voice as he spoke of recently losing one of his troopers, Brooke Jones-Story and how this and so many traffic tragedies could have been prevented if only caution and care had been used. He compelled drivers, young and old, to comply with Scott’s Law (slow down & move over) and how we must all be mindful as we travel each day.
Bill Hintz, the Winnebago County Coroner, spoke of the difficult tasks he performs daily with regards to deaths and the causes of those deaths with the primary focus related to automobile accidents.
He presented slides involving investigations that occurred on his watch that were influenced by drugs, alcohol, and distractions, and how those events impact parents, family, and friends.
The Pecatonica CUSD #321 highly encourages students and their families to practice safe and careful driving each and every day and especially in light of our upcoming prom and graduation activities.
Thank you to our distinguished panel of Emergency First Responders, Todd France, Principal, the Hoya 2 students (Ashton Kendell, Alyse Southard, Sierra Revell, Griffin Mulcahy, Mikayla Johnson, Maddie Hillery, Cora Hirschuber, Sarina Mahoney, Hoya 1 students (Austin Carlson and Kelton Gann). Thank you Val Abel, School Counselor, Cary Daly and Deb Runte for the public safety announcements throughout the day and organizing this impactful event.