Pecatonica Rotary Club awards scholarships

Scholarship Recipients from left: Ashley Burrow, Quinton Roush, Rotarian Mary Osborn, Rose Munson, and Grace Sommario.
The Pecatonica Rotary Club has awarded $1,000 scholarships to four members of the Pecatonica High School Class of 2022.
At the High School Awards Assembly on Friday, May 20, President Elect Mary Osborn presented the scholarships, offering information about the process of selecting the recipients.
Applications were reviewed by a committee of Rotary members, who looked for characteristics which closely reflected the values and mission of Rotary International. Each applicant as also interviewed by the committee.
“We are pleased to be able to assist with the finances for college for these outstanding students, and along the way, learned a great deal about a group of wonderful young adults,” stated Osborn.
“We are fortunate to have had such an accomplished group of applicants and appreciate our partnership with the school district to make this happen.”
Pecatonica Rotary would like to thank the community for their help in making this possible. With a partnership with Eickman’s Processing, the “Scholarship Fundraiser” was a huge success and allowed Rotary to offer such generous scholarships.
Pecatonica Rotary meets the first and third Wednesday each month at noon at the Stonewall Café in downtown Pecatonica. Inquiries are welcome through the Facebook page Pecatonica Rotary Club #3085.