Poplar Grove official seeks countywide support to address hunger
By Bob Balgemann
The new president of the Belvidere-Boone County Food Pantry board is going to municipalities around the county this month, asking for support of a united effort to reduce hunger, especially among children.
His first stop was at the Jan. 2 Belvidere City Council meeting.
Locally, one child in four goes hungry, Eric Miller said, calling that figure “staggering.” Nationally, the number is one in five.
He was elected president of the pantry board in Dec. 2017. After taking office he said he met with the Rev. Danice Loveridge, Executive Director, to work on setting a series of goals for the New Year.
Hunger emerged as a top priority.
That is an issue “that affects each of us,” he said. “Unlike homelessness, which can be easily spotted, we don’t know who is going hungry. It’s really sad when you think about it. Hunger doesn’t know any racial lines, gender, or religion.”
Miller said he wants to have community outreach with all of the municipalities in the county. That will start as he visits the villages of Capron, Caledonia, Cherry Valley, Poplar Grove, and Timberlane. While he is a Poplar Grove village trustee, he said the campaign is being launched as president of the Belvidere-Boone County Food Pantry.
Right now the pantry connects with about 4,500 families in the county. “But we know there’s a lot more out there that need to be touched,” he added. Reports from the pantry show it serves people from all over the county.
One of his long-range goals is to have a mobile food distribution site. Such distributions were held in recent years, in Belvidere and Poplar Grove, and they attracted large crowds.
To read the full story see the Jan. 24 edition of the Belvidere Daily Republican.