Prince of Peace Lutheran Church raises $1,400 to continue support of Operation Ward 57 Families

In the winner’s circle were: Nancy Freddlund: Winner Most Patriotic, Abigail Baird: Most Beautiful Pie, Penny Pfile: Highest earned bid and Athena, (the youngest baker award winner.) Not pictured are Reita Baird- named Crowd Favorite and Karen Phelps: Most Creative.
By Marianne Mueller
Thousands of dollars have been raised from both a men’s cake auction and a pie auction at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church; both set to continue the mission of supporting Operation Ward 57 Families. This summer the ladies of the church hosted their annual pie auction.
Organized by Chair and Service Deacon Sue Peterson the auction which took place after a light luncheon had 39 different pies ready for friendly bidding. Volunteers from Prince of Peace helped in different capacities.
Newly serving as volunteer auctioneer was Dan King who kept light hearted fun rolling throughout the event. Greg Bartz held everyone’s interest by showing each pie up for bidding. Varieties ranged from traditional, specialty, vegetable pasties and pork and beef pies to store bought packaged varieties such as “Moon Pies.”
Friendly but competitive bidding took place as paddles with fun expressions written on them were held high. Participants had the opportunity to choose a “Crowd Favorite with Reita Baird emerging as the winner.
Taking home more winning honors were: Nancy Freedlund: Most Patriotic- her pie was decorated with an American flag; ¾ cherry and ¼ blueberry pie. Penny Pfile’s Peanut Butter Cup Oreo Crust pie won for the highest bid; bringing in $75. Most Creative Pie honors went to Karen Phelps- “Jesus Walks on Water” Apple pie. This marks Phelps’s second year of winning in this category. Abigail Baird won Most Beautiful honors and Athena (Pastor Corcoran’s Granddaughter) was awarded as the “Youngest Baker.”
Operation Ward 57 began in Dec. 2006 when SGT Scott Cameron, an LPN was transferred from Ft. Lewis in Washington State to Ward 57 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC. He and Deborah Semer made a cross-country journey to visit WRAMC. Within 10 minutes of arrival Deborah was moved to tears after seeing all of the young amputees and the full impact of the cost of the war on terror. It is a grass roots effort with an all- volunteer base; a non-profit organization supporting our hero post 9/11 wounded, ill and injured service members, and Veterans; their loved ones and family members as well as those who aid in their recovery. They live by a strong mission statement: “To support wounded, injured and ill service members, veterans, their caregivers and those that aid in their recovery by providing assistance and outreach in their recovery, comfort and morale, and through advocacy, education and promotion of their circumstances.”
Operation Ward 57 was founded by and consists of wounded service members, current and former members of the Military and Walter Reed Medical Center. They also welcome everyone who has big hearts that want to make a difference for someone else. It is a direct way for individuals and companies to show their support and to raise funds to further help with needs.
Their goal is to help wounded warrior Military families and Gold Star families in need with Christmas and Hanukkah presents for their children, along with a grocery gift card or prepaid Visa gift card for the family to purchase a holiday dinner and trimmings. This provides a perfect way of making a connection with these families. Sponsor families, business or induvial who sign up will be matched with a wounded warrior or a Gold Star Military family to assure a brighter holiday season. Those eligible for adoption include U.S. Based active duty Military personnel, career or medically retired Military or those honorably discharged from service who have been injured, wounded or acquired a disease during service with a fifty percent or higher service connection. Priority is given to post 9/11 service members and Gold Star families. Eligibility is also extended to the immediate family members if they are a caregiver or NMA. Post 911 Gold Star families are welcome.
Together a total of $1,400 was raised from the 2019 pie auction at Prince of Peace Church. All funds will be used to further support and the churches mission of helping Operation Ward 57 Families and the Christmas project!