The Flaming Doritos emerged as first place winners of the 2017 R.E.E.F Trivia Night.

By Marianne Mueller
Fierce, fun competition came in the form of the R.E.E.F trivia night where 14 teams chose a name and put their heads together at Stephen Mack Middle School on Saturday evening, Feb. 4.
Former School board member Larry Schubert kept energy flowing as he announced the evenings action. “Over the past 28 years a total of over $300,000 has gone through the Rockton Elementary Education Foundation for projects through the Rockton Elementary Schools,” Schubert said.
Schubert recognized Kohl’s Associates for taking the questions and keeping a tally. At the end of each round volunteer picked up answer sheets.
Eight very challenging rounds with eight questions in each round of Trivia were played with a bonus round on each. Bonus round were done in an original manner. One hit wonders from various genres were played leaving teams to determine what the artist or song title was of each. Songs gave a touch of nostalgia to the event. Categories opened with a round on Inaugurations and ranged from geography to the Cubs, the Mississippi River, and Literature- first lines of books, Harry Potter, APPS, Disney themes and a Day of Infinity.
Optional mulligans could be purchased and one could be

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