Fleming Emily Arin 1

Many hundreds of people showed up to pay their last respects to Emily Fleming at her memorial service held at Stillman Valley High School on Thursday, Sept. 10. Chris Brauns photo

By Pastor Chris Brauns

STILLMAN VALLEY – A school overflowing with both people and love remembered Emily Arin Fleming and found comfort in the good news of Jesus Christ at a memorial service on Thursday, Sept. 10 at Stillman Valley High School.

Michael Smith, the youth director at Kishwaukee Presbyterian Church and Pastor Bob Mellon, the lead pastor of Monroe Center Community Church, led a service that both celebrated the gift of Emily and offered comfort based on the truth of God’s Word.

E.J. Kane sang “Architecture” and the SVHS a cappella choir sang “Hallelujah” and “The Voice Within.” Family and friends demonstrated remarkable strength and joy while remembering Emily’s many gifts, warm and caring spirit, and witty (even sometimes zany) sense of humor.

After Emily’s sister, Kaylie Flynn, read John 14:1-6, Pastor Melon encouraged the community with the biblical picture that Christ went to prepare rooms for those who know him. He pointed to the clear teaching of Scripture that Christ is the way, the truth, and the life and that eternal life is found through believing in Him who paid the price for salvation. He then led in a prayer for anyone present who wished to profess faith in Christ.

Emily’s brother, Caleb Fleming, and Michael Smith concluded the service. Caleb shared how Emily was his number one fan and that he will continue to think of her as he plays and goes forward in life. Michael gave the benediction to Emily Arin Fleming’s loved ones who received it while standing and holding hands.

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