Rockford Park District opens fourth Skate Park thanks to private donation

courtesy photo The Journal
Eric Neubauer, who helped design the new skate park, says it provides unique obstacles for the skateboarding community.
The Landing, Rockford Park District’s fourth skate park located inside Davis Park, 320 S. Wyman Street, Rockford is officially open. Skateboarders and key contributors gathered on Friday, June 21 to cut a ribbon to symbolize the grand opening and recognize “Go Skateboarding Day” which takes place across the nation and celebrates the athleticism, creativity, and influence of skateboarding.
The Landing is located at the south end of Davis Park around the existing gazebo structure. The space is approximately 5,000 square feet in area and is meant for skateboards and inline skates. Three of the skate elements were pre-designed kits that were assembled by Rockford Sharefest volunteers. The other three elements, which are natural rock materials were donated by Benson Stone Company. Davis Park is owned by the City of Rockford but the Rockford Park District will maintain the skate park elements. “We work daily to improve the quality of life for citizens by providing a vibrant and relevant park system that increases property values, stimulates economic development, decreases juvenile crime, and improves our community’s health. A vibrant and relevant park system also protects the environment, employs hundreds of area teens, and brings our diverse community together in unity through the common love of play. This new recreational amenity means area youth have another opportunity to stay active and engaged,” said Dan Jacobson, Superintendent of Operations.
The Landing cost roughly $10,000 to construct and was funded entirely thanks to a $30,000 donation from the Smith Charitable Trust. Remaining donated funds will be used to maintain and sustain the skate park over the years. Eric Neubauer who helped design the skate park said, “There are unique obstacles here that provide different options for the skateboard community. This is something small but it’s something we don’t have in downtown Rockford. We were able to use a space that is being underutilized without spending a whole lot of money and we were able to do a ton thanks to so many people working together.”