Rockford Roadrunners Race Schedule

courtesy photo The Journal
Runners dress for the weather and/or the Dasher Dash race by bundling up or wearing Christmas themed cloths.
48th Annual Turkey Trot
Join us for ‘Rockford Road Runners’ Oldest Race’. 48th Annual Turkey Trot, on Thursday, Nov. 28. RRR was advised there will be construction on the dam at Aldeen Park beginning in November – as such, for the first time in nearly 50 years, we will be running on the new trails at Atwood Park, 7074 Ryberg Road, on Thanksgiving morning. Other than the location everything else is the same, guess your time and hope to be closest to it.
This family-friendly trail run/walk is approximately a 5k distance. Participants guess their time; no timepieces allowed. Finish closest to your predicted time to win Thanksgiving turkeys or pies- Must be present to receive awards. Signup early as this race has sold out the past seven years and is limited to first 800 participants.
Chip timing by Tri-3 Events, a new course, optional Turkey Trot Hoodie can be ordered, always lots of fun.
Note: All Participants will start at 9 a.m. There is no early start. We will again, at some undisclosed point in the race, offer a short cut to the finish for walkers or those who have had quite enough of going over the hills and through the woods. Note: strollers and pets are not allowed.
Bib(s) and pre-ordered Turkey Trot Hoodies pickup will only be available on race day 7 to 8:45 a.m.
Volunteer signup also online.
Race Day Registration
Available at Atwood Park from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. promptly – Race day registration $15 individuals, $40 family (three or more entries). We encourage early sign up as this race has sold out the past six years
No discounts on race day registration
-Rockford Road Runners Holiday Awards Dinner, 6 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. $12
Registration ends Dec. 6 at 11 p.m.
-Stroll on State Dasher Dash 5k
At the UW Health Sports Factory, 305 S. Madison St. Rockford, 61104
Fleet Feet Rockford and the Rockford Area Convention & Visitors Bureau are excited to bring you the Stroll on State Dasher Dash 5k presented by Swedish American again this year! Start the morning of downtown’s biggest day of the holiday season with Rockford’s most exciting 5k. The Dasher 5K is a holiday themed race through the historic parts of downtown Rockford, including 4 bridge crossings, Haight and Ethnic Villages, and the lovely grounds of Tinker Swiss Cottage. Don’t spend too much time sightseeing though, because once you cross the finish line on Grove St., you will receive our specially designed finishers medal, hot chocolate, and yummy Christmas cookies.
This certified 5k course has been created for everyone with awards for overall and age group winners, finisher medals, and special pricing for kids 12 and under.
Race Highlights:
Holiday Themed Certified Course
Festive Race Shirt
Finisher Medals
Post Race Hot Chocolate Cookies
Awards to Top Overall, Top Masters and 1st through 3rd in each age group.
Age division breakdown: 8 and under, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+
Race t-shirts and sizes were only guaranteed through Nov. 17. There will be a limited number of additional t-shirts ordered but sizes cannot be guaranteed after the cutoff date. All t-shirts are adult unisex sizes. This means kids 12 and under receive a high quality race tee for the reduced youth cost.
All participants up to 1500 get a fun swag bag.
Online registration closes on Nov. 26 at 11:59 p.m.
Late Registration and packet pick up will be 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Nov. 27 and 29 at:
Fleet Feet, Rockford, 1653 N. Alpine Road, Rockford 61107
Note: There will be no race day registration again this year. Please register early.
Entry fee includes the online processing fee and race swag.
* Please, no dogs, strollers, roller blades, skateboards or bicycles.
Tour de Trails Series
-Dec. 21 – 3 Mile Trail Race – Blackhawk Springs Forest Preserve, 5029 Mulford Road, Rockford
-Jan. 18 – 6 Mile Trail Race – Atwood Park – 2685 New Milford School Rd, Rockford
Note: 9 mile & 12 mile race sites are still being firmed up. Byron will be the site of one of these races, Rock Cut while first choice for 12 mile; the construction there may still be an issue. Should the park not be available to us then we will use Byron and Lockwood. All participants will be notified if we need to change up our locations. No refunds should we have to change.
-Feb. 15 – 9 Mile Trail Race – Byron Forest Preserve – 7993 N. River Road Byron
-March 21 – 12 Mile Trail Race – Rock Cut State Park – Harlem Road, Rockford
Packet Pickup / Day Of Registration / Event Information
Packet Pickups for each of the races will take place from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. on the sites of the events. Race Day registration will be in place from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. at each race.
Participants are encouraged to bring your favorite treat to share with all.
-Blackhawk Springs Forest Preserve three mile race: Packet Pickup: 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 21 at Blackhawk Springs Shelter
-Atwood Park six mile race: Packet Pickup: 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 18 at Atwood Center
Note: 9-mile & 12-mile race sites are still being firmed up. Byron will be the site of one of these races, Rock Cut while first choice for 12 mile the construction there may still be an issue, should the park not be available to us then we will use Byron and Lockwood. All participants will be notified if we need to change up our locations. No refunds should we have to change locations.
-Byron Forest Preserve 9 mile race: Packet Pickup: 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 15 at Jarrett Prairie Center.
-Rock Cut State Park 12 mile race: Packet Pickup: 9:30 to 10:45 a.m. Saturday, March 21 at Lone Rock Cafe.
Both the 9-mile and 12-mile will be supported for three hours. For our slower runners there will be an assigned early start for these two races giving them an extra hour to complete these two races. The early start is assigned by performance and is not done by or for convenience to competitors. The early start is out of respect to our volunteers and hopefully will shorten the amount of time they spend working on race days.
Course map will be posted soon. Visit RRR race calendar to view at
Awards: First place female/male and 5 year age groups – Award Certificates First to Third place will be personalized and mailed the week following the event.
Refreshments: Hot chocolate, cookies… Participants are encouraged to bring your favorite treat to share with all.
These winter trail runs conditions can be challenging. You may see ice, snow, and very cold conditions. Events are subject to cancellation by the State, County, and City park officials. In the event that a race is cancelled, there are no refunds. Proceeds from these events help support many of the things that RRR does in our community.
Rockford Road Runners receive 15 percent discount with club membership if signed up more than 30 days prior to a race and a 10 percent discount if preregistering in the 30 days prior to a Tour de Trail race – no discounts if you sign up day of race.
Not a member? Join today and discount code will be sent to you.
Rules and Reminders
All of the following are some of the things not allowed in Rockford Road Runners for the safety of all participants; strollers, baby joggers, animals, and bicycles. Race official’s decisions are final. If you are uncertain always ask first.
No tables, tents, promotional activities, or sales are permitted at Rockford Road Runner events without prior written approval of the event. Requests can be made to [email protected]