Rockton Grade School art teacher invites everyone to ‘Meet the Hotdogs’

Local teacher and new author April Graves and her dog Pip signed her book “Meet the Hotdogs” on Nov.18 at Frosted Farmhouse in Rockton.
April Graves is an art teacher at Rockton Grade School. She graduated from Rockford University with a Bachelor’s degree in Art History and Fine Arts in Studio, as well as having a Masters of Arts in teaching. Now she can add the title of author of her first children book to her numerous accomplishments.
“Meet the Hotdogs” is an endearing story about Pip Hotdog. For years Pip was left home with the babysitter when the family went skiing, but today is her chance to prove that she can be a skier like the rest of her family.
When Pip puts on her skis she realizes that her legs are not doing what she wants them to. Then, getting on the ski lift is scary, and going down the first ski hill is full of surprises. Skiing was harder than Pip thought it would be.
“The book is about bravery, not only within the mind of Pip but inside of all of us,” Graves said. Bravery is individual to each of us and it is important for us to decide what makes us brave. Bravery can look like going to work everyday, and to others it’s climbing a mountain. Allow all forms of bravery to make you confident and be better everyday.”
Graves decided to write the book based on her experiences as an educator, and as a sentimental part of her life.
“Twenty years ago I was invited to be the librarian at Ledgewood Elementary School. I wanted to be an art teacher, but the position was filled. I accepted the librarian position and instantly fell in love with all things surrounding children’s picture books,” Graves reflects.
“As I navigated my way through learning the Dewey decimal system and current bestsellers, I
was always being brought back to when my mom read to me at bedtime. I truly realized my love of children’s picture books.”
“Working with children’s picture books everyday, I began to notice the rhythm of the words and the excitement in the illustrations as I turned the pages.
“Back then it was a dreamy feeling thinking about writing and illustrating. As time passed, and empty nest syndrome set in, it was time to check my bucket list. After accomplishing a few items like completing my master’s degree, acquiring my dream art teaching job, and supporting my daughters through college it was clearly time to start taking writing classes.”
Graves finds pure inspiration in her surroundings, in real life, and all things that fill her soul.
“Family ski trips are a great joy, along with snuggling my three fur babies, and the irresistible need to create,” Graves said.
Bringing her love of art, and her talent into the book Graves said,” some of the illustrations were created before the manuscript was even written. I had the images haunting me everyday until they were on paper.”
“Illustrating was the natural part and writing took a lot of concentration.”
“Meet The Hotdogs” took 22 months to complete, from taking classes to holding the finished proof copy.
One of the ways that Graves has promoted her new book was at a signing in Rockton Reads on Saturday, Nov. 18 in Frosted Farmhouse. Hardcover and paperback copies were personally signed by Graves and Pip- the books main character.
With every purchase came a free bookplate and names were entered into a drawing to win a $10 gift card to Rockton Reads which began in 2022.
“We sold out of books at the signing event and many people brought a previously purchased book to be signed,” Graves said. “ I am overwhelmed that sales of the book are reaching new heights everyday.”
“Meet the Hotdogs” is available online at Amazon, and all major book sellers. Locally you can purchase the book at Rockton Reads, located in Frosted Farmhouse and at the Porch store on N. Perryville Road.
Graves has a special connection with the owners of Rockton Reads. “Kelly Baumgartner and Cheryl Butler are the school librarians and I am the art teacher at Rockton Grade School, “Graves said. Kelly and I often share coffee and our love for children’s literature.”
“Meet The Hotdogs” will be a series of six books. Keep checking on social media to get the latest news and updates.
“I would like to invite everyone to visit my website to keep up with “The Hotdogs,” Graves said. ” The website lists events, a fan page, and coming soon there will be children’s art projects, and a free mini-story (website exclusive) at
Graves is married to her high school sweetheart, Trevor. They will celebrate their 28th wedding anniversary in May. The Graves have two adventurous daughters, Abigail and Darien, and three inspiring fur babies. The family has lived in Roscoe for 23 years.
Take a page from Pip and Graves story by getting your copy today!