Rockton residents gather for mega block party on National Night Out

Rockton Police greeted neighbors during a block party on National Night Out.
By Marianne Mueller
Rockton residents January Fry and Cory Magnus collaborated to bring a mega block party to a Rockton neighborhood in conjunction with the 2019 National Night Out. Neighbors in the areas west of Blackhawk Blvd., north of Union St. and those in the North Center Street and W. Franklin sections gathered for an evening of old fashioned fun on Tuesday, Aug. 6. Around 40 families totaling 120 people came together.
As adults became better acquainted little ones had a blast jumping in a bounce house, while families had the opportunity to play a variety of yard games. Extra fun options for young and young at heart came in the form of glow sticks, glow bracelets, bubbles, and sidewalk chalk.
The Rockton Police Department came out to meet residents. In addition they handed out badge stickers. The Department also donated bottled water and individual packs of chocolate chip cookies.
Rockton Fire Protection District brought plastic fire helmets for the kids. Additionally they invited youth to play with the fire hose and to climb on the fire engine.
A cookout offered hot dogs and brats, chips and juice. Baked beans, brownies, tortellini salad, lemon blueberry cake, cut fruit and watermelon were some of the foods provided by different neighbors.
This year marked the first of this neighborhood event. “Our hope was that everybody would meet someone new,”Co-Coordinator January Fry said. “We spoke with several long term residents in the neighborhood; some who have lived here since the 70’s and nobody can recall a neighborhood wide block party in that time. “
“This event was developed from great teamwork and everything came together very smoothly,” Fry adds. “I think the turnout was absolutely amazing. We had a Facebook page in place for neighbors to RSVP in addition to giving out our phone numbers for those who don’t use Facebook.
“We had taken a headcount and it proved to be in line with the turnout. It was a good old-fashioned evening where neighbors could grab a bite to eat, relax, chat with one another, and watch the children play. It was nothing too fancy or fussy; just good old-fashioned fun. I think we need more of that these days.”
“I have always been part of this community. I felt with the way this country is going that we need something good to bring to our neighborhood together and to meet new and older neighbors,” Co-Coordinator Cory Magnus said.
“January and I were talking one day and the idea and the idea of hosting a block party was brought up. After joking around for three months January and I decided we need to do this. We decided to hold the event in conjunction with National Night Out, which since its inception has been based on getting neighbors together with neighbors within their police beat and to fight against crime. “
The entire community has another opportunity to become better acquainted with Rockton Police and law enforcement. The Rockton Police Association is hosting a day of fun at Settlers Park on Sept. 1 from noon to 3 p.m. Bring family and friends to this year’s Blues and BBQ’s.
Listen to the music of 3 Good Men. Aim at a target in a dunk tank, take a chance on silent auction items or try to win a cash prize in a 50/50 raffle. There will also be a bean bag tournament, face painting and a children’s bounce house.
Educational opportunities include a K-9 demo, an emergency vehicle display and a Military vehicle display. Fibs pulled pork sandwiches and chips, Dairyhaus ice cream, Rockton Fire Department sweet corn and beverages will be available for purchase.
Both National Night Out and the Blues and BBQ events are fun ways to be part of law enforcement outreach and to meet others in local communities.