By Marianne Mueller


Rockton Township took care of various businesses matters at their Oct. 13 meeting. 

Chris Doering was given permission to add content he sees fit to be placed on the Townships website which is a work in progress. Township Clerk, Judi Gurney will assist in running the website. 

Next on the agenda was an update on replacing a broken telescope at Nygren Wetlands. It was reported that the insurance money from Nygren was received plus a $200 donation from Nygren. The board talked about options of a refurbished head at a cost of $3,000 versus a replacement one at a cost of $3,800.

 There would be approximately a $1,000 difference between a refurbished head versus a replacement one. Putting up a trail camera on the property and signs to warn against any potential damage being done to a new scope should be put up. 

Township Administrative Assistant Kristi Schaffer informed everyone that the money isn’t in yet.

Trustee Connie Gleasman asked, “What kind of or warranty would be on a refurbished or a new head? She added, “It would be nice to know this information.”

Schaffer responded that she would look into that. 

Township Supervisor Paul Williams gave a report on progress at the Greater Rockton Community Centre. Williams credited Ken Barricone for giving the Township a lot of good advice regarding repairs that have to be done. 

“A pull test was done on the exterior bricks and a finish will be added to the building. They should have used this inside instead of on the outside block. We had him do tin work; it had to be sealed to allow nothing to get in behind the blocks. White paint is being added to the trim on the windows. This is one shade different than what was originally decided on,” he said.

“This board voted on colors to be used and they were presented to the village and they were approved; the color we chose was cream,” Gleasman said. 

Williams replied that he had contacted all of the Trustees and that the only one who had responded to him was Randy Johnson. He said that he sent Gleasman a text regarding the colors.

“The eaves trough was incorrectly installed when it was put in,” Gleasman said. 

“The building looks very good with the beige, crème and white colors,” Williams said. “A lot of repairs were done on the block. The windows that faced into the closet area we decided to have those removed. Grinding off stuff from the building was also done. 

“Recently the building was used for a wedding and by the Hononegah High School football team, “Williams said. They went above and beyond in the work that has been done; they did a super job. The sidewalk in front of the door was moved an inch. This will be taken care of completely by the end of the year. Williams suggested that the sidewalk be removed a new one be installed. 

Trustee Gene Hermann asked, “When the masons are finished is there anything that has to be followed up on? “Gleasman asked about what will happen with the staircase. It was stated that before this could be done a price estimate will be needed. 

“We have to have two exits on the building; otherwise it is a fire code issue,” Gleasman said.

“At the last meeting Mr. Henry addressed conflict where an employee of the Township cannot enter into a contract with the Township,” Herman said.

“Would Chris being paid to do a website fall into this category?” Herman asked.

Township Attorney Doug Henry answered, “I will put this in a personal opinion based on a call to Gene and Chris. The difference is that Gene is an elected official,” Henry added.

Herman questioned the frequency of how often the cemetery is being mowed and when the lawn service is paid.

Cemetery Sexton Chris Doering answered, “They are cut once a week, and they are doing other bushes. It was stated that mowing and trimming also need to be done. Williams and his wife Val have been taking care of areas around signs in the cemetery. In the cemetery seven trees were removed. 

Follow up on stump grinding is in the works in front of the GRC. 

A determination was made that Road Commissioner Trent Keyhoe will be plowing snow or have a helper for backup. Equipment malfunctions happened last year; ways to avoid this this year were discussed. 

“Anyone who works for the Township would need a new certificate of liability insurance,” Gleasman said. Attorney Henry said that liability insurance is also needed for any additional help. 

Heraman asked if the Township has a detailed list of job descriptions for everyone who works in the Township. He said that if a new hire comes in it would make it easier to see what job duties they will be performing. 

Williams talked about an employee handbook that is already in existence,

Henry recommended that the board look at the handbook first and make any changes. “Every four or five years it is a good idea to do this,” Henry said. Henry will review what is completed. Doering threw his support behind the idea. “I am a big advocate of the handbook and job descriptions.” 

Herman inquired about Township office hours. A question was asked about what is considered full time or overtime. It was noted that full time is 40 hours. It was stated that Sharon Hecox had worked overtime hours due also to her being the Executive Director of SMTD. Michelle who also works in the office is at the Township three days per week. 

Schaeffer said, “We don’t normally have a lot of traffic in here; we get phone calls. People who have used us know that we are not here on Friday. I feel that we are accommodating everybody, “she said.

Trustee Vicky ivy is organizing a dumpster clean up in a specific neighborhood; a “Dumpster Day” on Oct. 29.  A discussion was held on the types of dumpsters to be used and specific sizes of each. No toasters, VCRS or yard waste will be accepted. “It is a good gesture to clean up in that area, “Ivy said. 

Keyhoe offered his road crew to help. “We can use the loader for everything,” he said. 

It was stated that people are going to need help unloading and that volunteers will be needed. Items like mattresses and tires will be picked up at a different time and at different locations. Specifics are being put on flyers.

Gleasman asked why the Township has no official Treasurers report. Williams replied that they have a budget to actual report. These will be given every month. The Supervisor serves as the Treasurer in Townships. Herman asked, “Where are the investments?”  

“I have been here 14 years; no Township has ever had a Treasurer,” Williams said. Gleasman addressed Williams by saying, “You are the Treasurer.”

Attorney, Henry said, “He does not owe the board that report. “

Keyhoe reported that all of the signs on the bike path are up. They are finished all the way to Stonebridge Trail. 

Doering spoke of a request that fishes by the dam and wants a special permit park in the cemetery. Doering refused to allow this to be fair to everyone. 

Herman asked about overtime for Sharon Hecox as shown in the bills. It was explained that Hecox has accrued unused vacation time over the years. 

Gleasman asked, “Since Sharon resigned and has approved a payment to Blue Cross, Blue Shield how does that work?” Shaffer replied we are still in the process of removing her name from everything; she is still technically on the payroll. “Sharon never submitted a resignation,” Williams said.

“She was here for 19 years, and she should have received severance pay. She was good to this place,” Ivy said. 

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