By Jean Seegers


ROSCOE – A public hearing was held prior to the regular Roscoe Board of Trustees meeting and Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday evening, April 19.

The hearing was conducted to allow interested persons to speak for or against vacation of an unapproved public alley south of Bridge Street and North of Grove Street.

Ryan Swanson, Project Manager at ARC Design, Loves Park, was present as the spokesperson for Casey Filling Station and Restaurant.

Casey’s wants to purchase the approximately 20 by 330 sq. ft. alley that borders Bridge Street and 251. They are purchasing 1.8 acres to build a 4,400 sq. ft. brick building that Swanson said will be a little bigger than the Casey’s store in Rockton. There will be a slightly different, more modern look and will have eight fuel pumps.

Dave Krause owns land along the alleyway. Krause asked if the Village would give him a chance to purchase the land next to his property.

The building will face Bridge Street, which will be the main access. Alternate access will be on Mulberry Street. Swanson said a traffic assessment has been conducted. “Around 120 in and out car traffic was counted during rush hours.”

“The building will be attractive on all four sides. Curbs and gutters will be installed, and a brick enclosure built for trash containers.

The proposal was sent to the Zoning Board for review.

In other business:  Final approval was given for a resolution requiring maintaining six months or 50 percent for fund balance and reserves.

Trustees laid over a resolution authorizing the Village to enter into an agreement with Fehr-Graham and Associates to provide the civil site design for the proposed police department addition.

A Zoning Board of Appeals meeting was held the following evening, Wednesday, April 20, to review the Map amendment changing the zoning for property at the corner of Bridge Street and 251 from Multi Family to General Commercial.

In addition, the Zoning Board was asked to review the design of the proposed Casey’s Filling Station and Restaurant on the corner of 251 and Bridge Street that is being proposed.

Ryan Swanson, ARC Design Project Manager, brought several design examples for review. Plans are to install curbs and gutters, enclose the trash area, and provide landscaping such as shrubs, trees and fencing between the commercial and residential properties along Mulberry and Grove streets,

Twenty-one parking spaces will be provided. The building’s brick exterior will be extended on all four sides.

The main entrance will be on Bridge Street with an auxiliary entrance on Mulberry Street.

According to Swanson, A full access right turn lane has been approved by the County.

The Zoning Board unanimously voted to approve the design and Map amendment.

“The project fits with the future plans for development in Roscoe,” ZBA Chairman Jay Durstock said.

The proposal will be voted on at the next Village meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. on May 3.

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