Roscoe VFW Post 2955 pay tribute to those who fought for our freedom
By Jean Seegers

Roscoe VFW Post 2955 Color Guard fired a salute honoring the soldiers from Roscoe during past wars. Veteran Dave Draeger ended the program with the playing of Taps.
A solemn tribute honoring the men and women who defended America during war-time dating back to the Civil War was held at the Roscoe Cemetery on Memorial Day, May 31.
VFW Post 2955 Commander Rubin Hernandez welcomed community members and thanked them for honoring the men and women who have defended our country through the years.
Hernandez began a roll call, reading the hundreds of names of veterans from Roscoe who have passed on. Chaplin Gary Holmes, Veterans Bill Graves, and Maury Buffo, VFW auxiliary President Ann Stenberg and auxiliary member Darlene Schepski continued reading the list of veterans and placed a wreath and flowers on the commemorative grave stone.
VFW Post 2955 Color Guard members John Rosatto, Steve Preston, Tom McClellan and Ed Suchowski fired a salute. Veteran Dave Draeger played Taps, ending the program.
Three days before Memorial Day, Bern Sunstedt, who is President of the Roscoe Historical Society, did what he has been doing for the past 20 years. Sunstedt visited the grave sites at Pinnacle, Willow Brook and Roscoe Cemeteries and placed flags and medallions on the graves of Veterans of foreign wars.
The flags are contributed by Roscoe Township.
“I was a boy scout leader in 2001,” he said. “Putting out the flags on Memorial Day was an Adult Leadership project at the time.” Twenty years later, he is still doing his part to honor our veterans and keep patriotism alive.