By Chris Johnson

Sports Correspondent

On Monday Nov. 28, Trustees with the Pecatonica School District received the news that the Middle School will be hosting this year’s annual Rt. 72 Conference Tournament for the Academic Bowl on Saturday, Dec. 10.

In a message he shared with members of the Pecatonica School Board, Middle School Athletics and Activities Director Ben Powers asked for support and wishes of fortune.

“Please come out and support our bright students. We wish all teams the best of luck in their end of the year tournaments.”

The annual event typically coincides with the wrap up of the boys’ basketball season, starting on Dec. 3 and running through Dec. 6.

Sign-ups for wrestling with Durand have begun, according to Powers. The wrestling and girls’ basketball seasons begin in early January, 2017.

High School Principal Todd France presented his report to Trustees with District 321 during the Monday, Nov. 28 meeting. A lot of effort was put into a good cause, according to France.

“This year all three schools participated in the food drive to support the Pecatonica Food Pantry. The High School collected the most items this year. I want to thank everyone at all three schools for helping to support this event.”

France said the food drive began on Oct. 31 and ended on Nov. 11. The Fifth Hour class which donated the most items was Daly/Ornatek/Heyboer. Those winners received a pizza party for their efforts. In all, it was reported that over 1100 items were donated. The PTO also is giving back, as they will issue the winning students a sundae party.

Events which have been scheduled for the upcoming month include the High School Fine Arts Festival on Wednesday, Dec. 7, beginning at 7 p.m.

Final exams will be issued for first through third hour classes on Dec. 19. On Dec. 20 finals will be given to students with fourth through sixth hour classes. Dec. 21 is the final day of testing and the last possible opportunity for make-up exams, according to France.

Students of the Month at the High School were senior-Garrett Mellentine and junior Marcus Burrow III. The sophomore selection was Taylor Swanson and Zoe Penwell was presented as the freshman Student of the Month.

The Pecatonica School Board meets regularly at 7 p.m. on the fourth Monday of every month.


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