By Anne Eickstadt

ANNE EICKSTADT PHOTO Belvidere Daily Republican
One display for the Winnebago-Boone Farm Bureau’s Scavenger Hunt shows wild animals in the area.


The Winnebago-Boone Farm Bureau put together another Scavenger Hunt this year at the Boone County Fair. The grand prize was a $100 Visa gift card.

Visitors were invited to “Come on an ‘AG’venture” to “make the Farm-to-You connection on your scavenger hunt through the fair. You will see how the Boone County farmers and 4-H’ers teach consumers about different types of agriculture. Our dedicated farm families take care of the land and animals while producing nutritious food for us to eat.”

The rules for the hunt were: one entry per person, all 12 questions must be answered correctly to have a chance to win, entries were to be turned in to the Farm Bureau building by Sunday, Aug. 12 at 11 a.m.

Winners were selected at noon on Sunday and they were notified by phone.

Here are the questions that Scavenger Hunt participants were to answer:

  1. What is inside popcorn that makes it pop?
  2. How many gallons of milk does a cow produce per day?
  3. How much does a newborn beef calf weigh at birth?
  4. Name a kind of cheese made from goat’s milk.
  5. What do you call a group of piglets born at the same time?
  6. What does a chicken eat that makes an egg yolk yellow?
  7. A group of sheep is called a _____?

8. What kind of fuel is made from…

For complete article, pick up the Aug. 15 BDR.

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