Scott Sanders

By Jean Seegers
After serving two years as the Roscoe Village Administrator, Pat De Graves resigned last December. In February, 2017, village trustees began their search for a new administrator.
After sorting through 20 applications and interviewing the three final candidates, the board decided to choose one of their own.
Scott Sanders was approved by the board as the new administrator at the April 18, village meeting. He will serve as village administrator as well as zoning administrator Sanders signed a three-year contract with a total compensation of $115.000.
Sanders was hired as the village’s zoning administrator about 18 months ago. Board President Dave Krienke said Sanders has done a great job in zoning and will be a good fit for village administrator. Scott was the most qualified for the position. He knows Roscoe. He’s a problem solver and team builder.”
The new administrator is a graduate of
Pick up this week’s print edition for full story.

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