Scouts celebrate accomplishments with Court of Honor

Scouts BSA Troop 5 is an all female troop serving girls in grades 6-12. The troop serves female scouts from the surrounding small towns of Pecatonica, Winnebago, Durand, Dakota. Troop 5 meets twice a month with at least one outing – campout, hiking, kayaking, etc. Troop 5 had their first Court of Honor, which celebrates the advancements and accomplishments of the scouts and leaders in their troop. Several scouts advanced to Tenderfoot and 2nd Class ranks as well as earned numerous Merit Badges. If you’re interested in learning more about Scouts BSA Troop 5, please email the scoutmaster (Kelly Nestler) at [email protected] or find them on Facebook @scoutsbsatroop5
Scouts BSA Troop 5 is an all female troop serving girls in grades 6-12. The troop serves female scouts from the surrounding small towns of Pecatonica, Winnebago, Durand, Dakota. Troop 5 meets twice a month with at least one outing – campout, hiking, kayaking, etc.
Troop 5 had their first Court of Honor, which celebrates the advancements and accomplishments of the scouts and leaders in their troop. Several scouts advanced to Tenderfoot and 2nd Class ranks as well as earned numerous Merit Badges.
If you’re interested in learning more about Scouts BSA Troop 5, please email the scoutmaster (Kelly Nestler) at [email protected] or find them on Facebook @scoutsbsatroop5