Sheriff unveils new EMA air truck for area emergencies

Anne Eickstadt photo Belvidere Republican
Members the Boone County Sheriff’s Department, the Belvidere Fire Department and the BC Fire Districts who donated to purchase the new air truck pose with several EMA volunteers.
By Anne Eickstadt
On Thursday, Nov. 18, at 11 a.m. the Boone County Sheriff’s Office unveiled its new Emergency Management Agency’s Air Truck. The purchase was made possible when all fire departments in Boone County partnered with the Sheriff’s Office to share with the costs. These fire departments include Boone County Fire District #1 (Capron), Boone County Fire District #2 (Southern Boone County), North Boone Fire District #3 and the Belvidere Fire Department. All fire departments donated $15,000 in money and/or equipment for the new air truck. General Mills, located in Belvidere, also graciously donated $5,000 toward the project.
The Boone County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is overseen by the Boone County Sheriff’s Department, and is directed by EMA Coordinator, Dan Zaccard.
It is the responsibility of EMA to protect the lives and property of the citizens of Boone County before a disaster strikes through planning, training, and mitigation and to reduce human suffering after a disaster strikes through prompt and effective coordination of the local response and recovery efforts.
The EMA Air Truck, an E-One Heavy Rescue Truck, was purchased used and will be used primarily to fill firefighters’ air tanks at fire scenes and air tanks at water rescues. Trained EMA volunteers man the air truck. The truck will be used not only in Boone County, but wherever it is needed. The heavy rescue truck replaces an aged air truck that had to be retired.
“This wouldn’t have happened without the help of all the districts,” said Sheriff Dave Ernest. “Capron was the first one to give money and all the chiefs supported the project with money or equipment. We believe in being in partnership with other agencies. We are very proud of our volunteers and we can’t say enough about our fire chiefs and the volunteers who want to serve their community.
“We are all short of personnel – especially to fight fires – so it is so nice to have trained volunteers to assist us. The people in charge right now have come up through the system and their way of thinking is, ‘What can we do for the community?’ and they are all willing to work together to help the community.
“These people volunteer for the right reasons.”
Zaccard said, “I’ve worked in other departments where there were a lot of people. They had nothing like this. These volunteers do a fantastic job. I’m thrilled with all of them and the cooperation between fire chiefs – that’s huge.”
“I want to thank the Sheriff’s Department for allowing EMA to get a new truck and for allowing them to work with the various fire districts in Boone County,” said Boone County Fire District #1 Fire Chief Greg Holmes. “My first question on my way to a fire is, ‘Is EMA there yet?’ That’s how badly we need them and their support. This truck was an easy sell for us because it adds so much to EMA’s ability to help during emergencies.”
“The new air wagon doesn’t move without dedicated volunteers to man it,” said Belvidere Fire Chief Al Hyser. “In my 26 years on the Belvidere Fire Department, we could always count on the members of EMA showing up to our fire incidents ready to help and assist us by filling our air bottles.
“Seeing these dedicated people reaffirms my thoughts on what a great community that we have here in Belvidere and Boone County. This new (used) vehicle will last many years and continue to serve the needs of the Boone County fire agencies. Thank you to all the Boone County fire districts as well as the Boone County Sheriff’s Dept., the City of Belvidere, and General Mills for making this new vehicle possible.”
Firefighter Mike Lowe of Boone County Fire District #2 said, “The rig does not get to the scenes without volunteers. Without them we can’t do this. It doesn’t matter what you are, or are not, capable of physically, they will find something for you to do.
“This truck is going to be great. The old truck could hold eight bottles of air; this new one can hold ten. It can also haul more people and it has heat and air. It has enough room for divers to change and has a lot more capabilities than the old one.”
“Our old truck was becoming unsafe to drive,” said Ernest. “Partnership is what this is all about. People give up their time to help – that’s what makes Boone County great. Our volunteers helped refurbish the truck. Thank you for what you do here. We never have enough people and, with the cutbacks, we never have enough. We would be in trouble without the volunteers.”