Shirland fireworks draws large crowd, expanded from original plans

Patriotic fun was had at the Shirland 4th of July celebration, and this young lady is proof.
By Marianne Mueller
Cars were lined up down Shirland’s Main Street and in surrounding areas anxiously awaiting the return of fireworks after an 11-year absence on Sunday evening, July 5.
While waiting attendees had options of listening to the band “When Pigs fly” who entertained from a truck. All band members are from Shirland, and they donated their time to make this event extra special.
Food truck options included “Wehpah” featuring Puerto Rican food, and one that offered tacos. Fun sweets options came in the form of a shaved ice and a cotton candy truck.
Shirland Fire and the Winnebago County Police assisted in keeping everyone safe. Kegel Harley Davidson led in a “Fireworks on the Fifth Ride” earlier in the day and had special seating for the show.
A stunning display lasting around 20 minutes filled the night sky with splendor. A professional, highly experienced pyro technician mixed a nice variety of shapes and colors.
Various sponsors joined organizers in assuring that the 2020 fireworks happened for everyone.
The display was live streamed by “Future Memory Media” powered by Rise Broadband.
Organizers Travis Hawkins and Matt Weaver worked tirelessly in the past few weeks to bring this tradition back to the Shirland community and beyond. A Go Fund Me account has been set up at Durand State Bank. A goal of $10,000 has been set with money to be used toward future events and even larger fireworks displays.
All donations are welcome to help grow this cash or checks will be accepted made payable to Travis Hawkins or Matt Weaver. Hawkins believes so strongly in this goal that he started off the account by personally donating $1,000.
Yard signs or banners can also be purchased to help promote the event and to show a new level of support. More details on different forms of donation methods can be found on the Shirland Fireworks Facebook page.
This year was the start of something that is certain to grow in the next few years. Organizers are hoping to possibly add a small carnival in the future.
Many have expressed that they are already looking forward to next year’s fireworks display and extra fun additions.