SMMS Fine Arts Festival

Mia Frank created three canvas paintings,each displayed at the SMMS Fine Arts Festival on May 16.
Stephen Mack Middle School students display talents at Fine Arts Festival
By Marianne Mueller
Fine Arts of art and music were featured at Stephen Mack Middle School on Thursday evening, May 16.
“We had a total of 550 projects this year; one per student,” said SMMS Art Teacher Jenessa Fiduccia. Works were created by students in sixth through eighth grade.
A nice variety of pieces included drawings, sketches, water colors, self-portrait paintings, canvas painting and many other unique works of art.
Under the leadership of SMMS Spanish teacher, Jeanna McAffee seventh and eighth grades students created Spanish culture projects; some using a beading method. A wall of maps and Venn diagrams for adjective rules provided great learning experiences.”
Totem spoons made by eighth grade students captured great attention. Students learned about identity in artwork and the history of Totem Poles. It was through these concepts that they created, “charms” that represented each identify with the use of spoon, a symbol of sharing.
One project that stood out featured “Our Lady of Guadalupe” created in a 3D illusion style. Our Lady of Guadalupe has a rich history. Spanish Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe is also called the Virgin of Guadalupe. In Roman Catholicism the Virgin Mary in her appearance before St. Juan Diego in a vision in 1531.
She holds a special place in the religious life of Mexico and is one of the most popular religious devotions. Her image has played an important role as a National symbol of Mexico. According to tradition, Mary appeared to Juan Diego who was an Aztec convert to Christianity on two different dates.
She requested that a shrine be built on the spot where she appeared, Tepeyac Hill, (now a suburb of Mexico City). Mary appeared to him a second time to Diego and ordered him to collected roses. In a second audience with the Bishop, Diego opened his cloak, letting dozens of roses fall to the floor revealing the image of Mary imprinted on the inside of the cloaks; the image that is now venerated in the Basilica of Guadalupe.
“I had an amazing group of students this year,” McAffee said.
In the main gymnasium families gathered to listen to talent sounds of the SMMS band. Instructed by Instrumental Music Teacher, Richard Mayer the Beginning band featured numbers played by sixth graders. Sounds of “Alpha Squadron, Spectrum. Aztec Sunrise, Heroes of the Galaxy, and Let’s Go Band.
Concert band played “Avenger, Galactic Conflict, Canticum, and “All the Pretty Little Horses complete with sung lyrics. Concert numbers concluded with “Lincoln Celebration Overture.”
Each musical number was arranged by a different composer.
The 2019 Fine Arts Festival at SMMS showcased the best of talents in art and music.