Stateline Mass Transit District announces new location in Roscoe

SMTD has moved to a new office at 11722 Main St., Roscoe.
SMTD has moved. Sharon Hecox, Executive Director, announces SMTD has moved to a new office at 11722 Main St., Roscoe IL 61073. “The new office allows even better service to our SMTD community of riders and patrons, and is in the heart of the service area,” stated Hecox.
For more information about the new SMTD location, visit or call 779-771-6778.
About Stateline Mass Transit District
Stateline Mass Transit has been servicing the greater Rockton, Roscoe and South Beloit area since 2008. SMTD offers safe, reliable and affordable transportation, providing independence and a better quality of life for many area residents.
SMTD offers a unique ‘curb-to-curb’ service where buses pick up and drop off at the client’s desired destination. This unique program delivers unparalleled transit service that link people and communities with the highest standards of quality and safety for its customers.
For more information, contact our friendly transportation schedulers at 877-561-3330. For additional information on SMTD, call 779-771-6778 or visit our website at