Michelle Courier presentation

By Shelby R. Farrell


POPLAR GROVE – Boone County State’s Attorney, Michelle Courier, updated the Village of Poplar Grove on happenings at the State’s Attorneys’ Office.

She said Boone County has made progress “in and outside of the courtroom” and has worked to improve communities. Some of the community-involved projects that the State’s Attorney’s Office has gotten involved in include a gang task force designed as a community effort against gangs.

“We held a forum for what they can do and how to get involved,” she said. “We’re gonna have another forum in February.”

She said Boone County has been tough on gang members in the courtroom and told a story of a gang shooting where the shooter, as well as the person who gave him the gun, were put in prison.

She also reminded the Board of Trustees about the City of Belvidere’s civil lawsuit to stop gang members from associating in 2009. She said gang activity in Belvidere has decreased since then.

The State’s Attorney’s Office is also involved with the Boone County Drug Prevention Coalition, which focuses on the prevention of minors using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

Courier said one of the biggest projects completed this year was the drug disposal unit at the Boone County Public Safety Building in Belvidere where people can safely drop off unused prescriptions.

“It’s less drugs on the streets from a public safety standpoint,” she said.

“We have seen an increase in use of prescription abuse, and there’s been a correlation between the abuse of prescriptions drugs and particularly pain killers, and ultimately that runs out, and we’ve got an increase of heroin use, cause that’s basically more readily available, and it’s cheaper.”

She said it’s been a “quiet summer.”

However, she also said the attorneys have been tough on drug dealers in the courtroom this year, even “going after items that are used in drug offenses.”

Things used in drug offenses could include vehicles driven or money used during a drug transaction. She said over the last seven years, the Belvidere Police Department has averaged $60,000 a year from drug seizures.

She said multiple people have been put in prison for child abuse, with recent sentences ranging between 36 and 60 years, and catching drunk drivers has also improved.

One anti-drunk driving program involves “scram bracelets.” The bracelets are part of a court order for high-risk drunk drivers, such as people who have been arrested on multiple alcohol-related charges, to stop them from drinking alcohol.

The bracelets record blood-alcohol levels from the wearers sweat, and it then digitally sends the information to the appropriate officer.

“We never really had a way to enforce those court orders,” she said.

“It’s a great tool for everyone involved. It’s great from a public safety standpoint because we know if that person is actually following the court order or not. It’s great for the offender because if they’re really having a hard time, are at a high-risk, you’re actually insured a sobriety for a longer period of time, the likelihood that they could remain sober is increased.”

To learn more about the Boone County State’s Attorney’s Office, visit www.boonecountyil.org/department/states-attorney.

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