Stillman Valley twins Ashley and Brianna Koenig pose for a picture together in their Navy uniforms.

By Doug Schroder

Twins Brianna and Ashley Koenig went to Stillman Valley High School together, followed by academic careers at Rock Valley College and Illinois State University, together. It only made sense that both young ladies would decide their next step was to go into the Navy. While both sisters are currently in flight training, the togetherness ends there.

Brianna is currently sta-tioned at the Naval Air Sta-tion in Pensacola, FL, where she is training to be a Flight Officer. She finished the academic portion of API training and earned her flight suit on Friday, May 18. She then had two weeks left of continued training after that. Upon completion she will be sent to a Student Naval Flight Officer Training Squadron to con-tinue her training.


To read the full story pick up a copy of the May 24th Tempo

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