The Stonewall Stitchers are a quiet group of ladies who meet every Tuesday morning at Stonewall Cafe to make quilted lap robes and cot blankets. They are well known all over the world as they have sewn 10,015 quilted blankets and laprobes for nursing homes, active military veterans, and first time recruits. Seven hundred three veterans have appreciated cot sized quilts and shut-ins have enjoyed 9312 lap-sized quilts. Thirty lap-sized blankets have been sent to the Ukraine

The group donated the quilt, shown in the photo, to the Vetsroll Fundraiser that was sponsored by the Command Post restaurant on Saturday, Sept. 17. The quilt was a silent auction item. Yolanda Weisensel owns the restaurant and held a question and answer session at 2 p.m. The restaurant is located at 1004 Samuelson Road in Rockford.

Vetsroll is the program offering a free bus trip to Washington, D.C.for all qualifying veterans to view the military memorials. The Command Post Event is one of many fundraisers for the Vetsroll trip to Washington on May 21 to May 24 of 2017.


The Stonewall Stitchers (L-R) Bernadine Harker, Dorothy Zimmerman, Vi Johns, DeAnn Anderson, Martha Satter, Barb Neuman, and Lola Moist. Active member Barb Klinger was not available for photo.

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