The Loves Park City Council approved a number of items at the Jan. 7 bi-monthly meeting.


*A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held for Woodspring Suites, 4101 Galleria Dr., on Tuesday, Jan. 14 at 3 p.m.

*LIHEAP is taking applications at Loves Park City Hall from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

*City offices will be closed on Martin Luther King Day, Monday, Jan. 20.

In other business:

*A resolution passed authorizing the street department to hire Arc Design for engineering services for the 2025 Street Improvement Construction program and for Arc Design for engineering services for Phase 2 of the N. Second St. TIF (Tax Increment Finance District).

*A resolution was approved authorizing the Director of Community Development/Public Works

to hire Fehr Gram Engineering to provide land acquisition negotiator services for the N. Second Streetscape Improvement Project.

*A resolution passed calling a public hearing and convening a Joint Review Board in connection with approval of a Redevelopment Plan and Project Area for and the designation of the Central Manufacturing District Redevelopment Project Area.

*A resolution passed authorizing the city to enter into a Redevelopment Agreement with Pyzon, LLC, relating to property located at 5919 N. Second St.

Ordinances approved were:

*An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit for the property at 7450 Chucks Way.

*An ordinance authorizing a text amendment to remove items in Sec. 102-175 of theLoves Park Code of Ordinances.

*An ordinance authorizing a text amendment to add items in Sec. 102-175 of the Loves Park Code of Ordinances.

*An ordinance authorizing a text amendment to add items in Sec. 102-338 (Commercial) of the Loves Park Code of Ordinances.

*An ordinance authorizing a text amendment to add items in Sec. 102-338 (Industrial) of the Loves Park Code of Ordinances.

Per the Loves Park Water Department bi-weekly activity report from Dec. 10 to 23, among other duties employees completed Julie cable locates, installed new construction meters, worked on hydrant repair and maintenance, repaired water service at 5601 Industrial Ave., performed routine equipment maintenance, witnessed and inspected eight-inch water service “wet tap” at 4502 McFarland Road, repaired a water main break at 5772 Cheshire Pl., assisted the street department with snow removal, and did trouble shooting at Well No. 5.

Per the street department weekly report between Dec.9 and 30, employees picked up large trash items from city maintained areas, helped the water department with water main repairs, worked on city owned vehicle repairs, did snow removal on Dec. 20, and had plans to take down all Christmas lights, and to perform cold patch as needed.

Anyone wishing to speak at the city council meeting shall contact the mayor’s office by 5 p.m. the Friday before the next council meeting by calling 815-654-5030.

The Loves Park fire department, between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, reported 164 EMS incidents, 16 service calls, and three fire calls that were responded to by the department.

The next city council meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 21.

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