Students Honored for Achievements at HHS

marianne Mueller photo The Herald
Hononegah High School Honors Night Award recipients won in a variety of academic, athletic, or community-oriented categories.
By Marianne Mueller
Hononegah High School Students were honored for academics, in the arts, athletics, community service and beyond on May 20.
Mr. Flohr welcomed everyone to the 2019 Honors night. He opened his remarks by sharing, “The day will happen whether or not you get up; you happen to the day instead of it happening to you. “You have all taken these days to be the best of Hononegah Community High School.”
The winner of the George Kelsey Award was Dylan Hamil. Presenter Steve Cofoid gave the history of George Kelsey who was a three-sport coach, and who, in 1964, had Kelsey Field at HHS named after him.
Girls NIC-10 Free Throw Achievement Award: Hannah Malcomson. Malcomson was recognized by the award presenters for holding a record of an 83.9 percentile in free throws. Her award will remain in HHS’s trophy case.
United States Marine Corps: Distinguished Athlete: Cali Schmitz. Scholastic Excellence: Ryan VanSchelven.
Sempter Fidelis Band Award: Michael Ahrens.
AMC 12 School Winners: Alicia Repka.
Perfect SAT Subject Test Scores: Alicia Repka.
Mathematics AP Scholars: Brenna Bretzinger, Madison Bronnimann, Joshua Crull, Jason Dupont, Caitlin Fordell, Drew Grygiel, Adam He, Joslin Johnson, Kyle King, Alison Lawrence, Hsing-Yng (Winnie) Louh, Maria Matuska, Emily McCabe, Matthew Montavon, Alicia Repka, Emily Schultz, and Ryan VanSchelven.
Howard Harshbarger Senior Math Award: Hsing-Yng- Louh. Prior to giving the award Mr. Harshbarger shared a brief history of Hononegah starting with the year 1951 where they had 200 students and 12 teachers plus a limited staff. Today there are over 2,000 students at HHS and hundreds of certified and an increased number of teachers. “What has never changed is the quality of education you receive at HHS, “Harshbarger lauded.
Excellence in French Award: Collin Moist.
Excellence in Spanish Award: Neshua Aguilar Escobar, Brenna Bretzinger, Alison Lawrence, Hsing-Yng-Louh, and Alicia Repka.
S.O.A.R.- Students Offering Assistance &Resources: First Year Award: Kyle Eggers, Isabella Eitmontas, Adam He, Greta Kitto, Hope Markley, Ben Meyers, Kaylee Moore, Sam Praneis, Sydney Singer, Benjamin Ward, Lauren Warner and Sydney Webb.
Second Year Service Award: Neshua Aguilar Escobar, Adrienne Clefisch, Ashlyn Dull, Caitlin Fordell, Matthew Freedlund, Jessica Green, Corinne Hoffman, Hsing-Yng Louh, Maria Matuska, Mary Miller, Alicia Repka, Ryan VanSchelven and Maggie Yoho. Each student served as a student and mentor for other students, giving 60 hours of time.
Honors and AP English: Harrison Barch, Elizabeth Beck, Jacob Bergstrom, Madison Bronnimann, Gabriella Galluzo, Faith Gomez, Adam He, Calista Huys, Greta Kitto, Cheyenne Lowery, Magnolia Maurer, Allie McLarty, Kaylee Moore, Isabelle Myers, Kaden Orendorff, Sam Praneis, Kaylee Rosendahl, Emily Ross, Sydney Singer, Benjamin Ward, Lauren Warner, Sydney Webb, Grace Wieland, and Angeline Wright.
Honors and AP English: Neshua Aguilar Escobar, Carrie Anderson, Brenna Bretzinger, Adrienne Clefisch, Joshua Crull. Kayla Eddy, Caitlin Fordell, Matthew Freedlund, Abigail Hellinga, Corrine Hoffman, Madison James, Alison Lawrence, Emily Lopata, Hsing- Yng, Louh, Maria Matuska, Mary Miller, Alicia Repka, Cali Schmitz, Kaela Stewart, and Reagan Wells. English teacher Tom Reynolds encouraged all to read a real book versus just relying on electronics and tapped on literacy issues. Reynolds praised students who earned English awards through hard work and perseverance.
US History Award: Kaylee Moore.
Senior Social Studies Award: Emily Schultz.
DAR Outstanding American History Award: Molly Fraser.
DAR Good Citizenship Award: Tyler Tubbs.
American Legion School Award: Neshua Aguilar Escobar and Adam Bohn.
American Legion Exchange Student Luis Tewes received a flag from American Legion Post 332 Representatives.
Boys State: Talon Drake, Adam He and Alex Zagal.
Illini Girls State: Gracie Hopkins, Hannah Pickard and Sydney Webb. American Legion Auxiliary representative Sue Johnson introduced Emily Shultz who is last year’s Illini Girls State recipient. Schultz shared her experience and wished well to this year’s winners.
Varsity WYSE(now known as ACE and run through University of Eastern IL.) recognition: Kalrina Beshiri, Brenna Bretzinger, Lucas Comstock, Joshua Crull, Colton Davies, Quinn Doud, Kyle Eggers, Faith Gomez, Adam He, Hsing- Yng- Louh, Shannon Mastey, Maria Matuska and Alicia Repka.
Outstanding Biology Student: Madison James.
Outstanding Physics Student: Joshua Crull.
Outstanding Environmental Science Student: Emily Lopata.
Baush & Lomb Award Honorary Science Award: Sam Praneis.
IL. Science Teachers Association Award: Alicia Repka.
American Society of Metals Outstanding Student: Hsing-Yng Louh.
Co Advisor of the HHS Student Council, Mike Lawyer presented Student Body President Adrienne Clefisch with a special award in recognition of all of her hard work.
Sons of the American Revolution: Ryan VanSchelven.
National Merit Certificate of Merit: Matthew Montavon and Alicia Repka.
The final awards of the night went to three students who had Perfect Attendance all four years: Andrew Hart, Benjamin Hoffman and Kamryn Lake.
In celebration of all of the evenings winner’s refreshments were served in the lobby of the Performing Arts Center.