On Oct. 3, Tanner Elliott from Harlem High School spoke to the Harlemites about his very special Eagle Scout Project. When completed, the project will provide a handicap accessible ramp and platform overlooking the football field adjacent to the existing bleachers in the Harlem High School Clyde Peterson Football Stadium. This will be a special section for wheelchair-bound individuals to cheer for the games and events without having to view activities from the ground gazing through a fence. Tanner shared that this project has been designed and the construction estimate is approximately $35,000. He is raising the money for the construction that has to be completed before his eighteenth birthday in June 2017 in order for him to qualify for the prestigious Eagle Scout Badge. Harlem High School Principal, Terrell Yarbrough, spoke and shared his enthusiasm for Tanner and his Eagle Project that will benefit students who otherwise have had no access to the athletic events from stadium level. The platform will provide an area to seat eight wheelchairs. Mr. Yarbrough stated that the Harlem School District is in complete support of Tanner’s project and encourages Harlem supporters to step up to provide financial backing for this unselfish act of kindness being initiated by Tanner Elliott. President of the Harlemite Alumni Group, Mr. Bill Ryerson, reported that interest in Tanner’s project was brought about by a generous Harlemite who had called and offered a substantial donation to this project. Mr. Ryerson noted that after hearing Tanner speak, and passing the “hat” along with the other generous Harlemite commitments, the group presented Tanner a total of $1,620 toward his project.

SUBMITTED PHOTO - The Journal Harlemite President, Bill Ryerson, Harlem student, Tanner Elliott, Harlemite Treasurer, Alice Anderson, and HHS Principal, Terrell Yarbough gather for a photo after Tanner told the Harlemites about his Eagle Scout Project.

Harlemite President, Bill Ryerson, Harlem student, Tanner Elliott, Harlemite Treasurer, Alice Anderson, and HHS Principal, Terrell Yarbough gather for a photo after Tanner told the Harlemites about his Eagle Scout Project.

Mr. Ryerson challenged other local Harlem Supporters to commit their support financially towards Tanner’s unselfish act of kindness through his Eagle Scout Project.

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