As past Rotarian of the Year, Ginger Thompson was pleased to introduce the latest winner of the Loves Park Rotarian of the Year Award for 2016, Tom Brooks.

Tom joined the Rotary in 1993, and we have been blessed by his commitment to volunteering ever since, especially with the youth. He has worked as a Youth Exchange Officer at the local club level for about 15 years and has served as the District 6420 Chairman of Rotary Youth Exchange since 2012.

As Ginger pointed out, many Rotarians are unaware of the countless hours that can be spent in helping these “kids.” Tom has not only always been heavily involved in the many hours needed to interview prospective exchange students, but also with helping them after they arrive with any of the many issues that can arise. Some are very serious indeed, but all require responsible and compassionate attention. In a typically humble fashion, Tom is quick to divert attention to other contributors who also help.

On a personal level, Tom spent many years working with the Blackhawk Area Council for the Boy Scouts even after his “retirement” in February 2016. His dedicated support to area youth never stops. Tom, we’re proud to know you and we congratulate you on being named Loves Park Rotarian of the Year!

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